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KINZOKU MIKAZUKI STEPPED INTO THE ROOM. She was still wearing the black kimono, the material clinging to her skin while the tiara of black diamonds had been discarded a long time ago. The party was over and all the guests had already been sent home, with the most drunk of the lot hurried into pre-paid taxis and hauled back into the city. The sorceress did not mind the ceremony, and although she could still hear Satoshi's thread and the warmth of his breath in her ear, Mikazuki had no intention of pausing her plans for anyone, let alone a spoiled brat with the Gojo name on his back.

Still, something about that particular set of words coupled with his poignant stare and unsettled her soul, as if the warning he'd issued was not an empty thread but a promise. Mikazuki shook her head, ridding herself of those ridiculous thoughts and opting to face the elders instead. It was long past midnight, yet all the elders of the Kinzoku clan – including her sweet grandmother – had gathered in the meeting room along with an uncharacteristically chirpy Asahi.

The man greeted her as soon as she entered the room, a sickly grin appearing on his face while he motioned for her to sit on the ground. Mikazuki eyed the golden table atop of which the contract had been set, a single black fountain pen sitting by its side, making clear exactly what the expected from her. The sorceress gathered the skirt of her kimono, plopping down unceremoniously on the floor and ignoring the constipated looks currently cast her way.

Mikazuki had never been ladylike and an entire decade spend in the wilds of Argentina certainly hadn't changed that about her. She looked down, taking in the small changes Yamato had done to the contract, the red lines handwritten on the paper a small concession her father had allowed, something small to give her the illusion of control even when they both knew the moment she signed the document, the Kinzoku would basically own her.

Or at least the parts of her that could still reproduce.

If it weren't for the goal Mikazuki had in mind, the sorceress would have already walked out of the room, a string of Curses falling from her lips, but in order to bring down her father's empire from the inside, she had to be a part of it first. Asahi rubbed his hand together before motioning to the paperwork.

"As you can see, we've made some last minute arrangements to ensure the contract is profitable to both parties."

As if. But Mikazuki merely nodded, pulling the contract apart and reading each amended line carefully. She could tell the elders were annoyed at her petulant behaviour, but the sorceress knew blindly signing the contract would immediately give her away, at least to the only man in the room who knew her well enough. Mikazuki raised her gaze from the pages, momentarily scanning her father's expression.

"As I'm sure you know, there is a trial period of six months, after which you will become co-owner of the Kinzoku Conglomerate. Once you are married and sire a male heir, my position at The Magistrate will also be part of your inheritance." Asahi paused, a wicked grin appearing on his face. "Oh, and in case anything untoward were to happen to me, you will immediately be stripped of all of your titles and responsibilities, which according to the rule of succession would then befall on your sister, Suzuki."

Of course her father was more than willing to bury his daughter as long as Mikazuki went with her. Suzuki's health had been an issue since she first came into the world fifteen years ago, yet Asahi had no qualms in amending the contract even when he knew these responsibilities would eventually kill her.

It was his insurance policy, because despite everything, Mikazuki still cared for Suzuki, a fact he was well aware of.

"While you will act as clan head, this position is merely temporary until the twins come off age." One of the elders announced, pointing towards a picture of the kids which was hanging from the wall.

Mikazuki looked at it, a sinking feeling settling at the bottom of her stomach. They looked happy in that photo, the four of them – Hide, Asahi and the twins – standing in front of a sunflower field. It was idyllic, the sort of think neither she and the rest of her siblings had been graced with, whatever little love was left inside of Asahi's heart not enough to nurture them all.

Katsu and Kaori were only seven years old, they didn't deserve the future that awaited them, the future that Mikazuki was more than willing to craft for them – a future in which both Asahi and The Magistrate did not exist, and neither did their influence.

Mikazuki should have been scared. She should have been terrified that her resolve didn't even waver at the thought of ripping Asahi away from them, but how could it, when Mikazuki had seen exactly what kind of man he was, the beast that laid within?

No, Mikazuki would take him down and burn his kingdom to the ashes until nothing was left. No Kinzoku. No Magistrate. No Jujutsu. 

𝑬𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑮𝑶𝑳𝑫 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now