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KINZOKU MIKAZUKI WHISTLED, taking in the expensive décor in front of her. The style was similar to that of her father's study back home, all dark wood and old-fashioned wallpaper, the kind you could only find at museums or old ladies houses. It was an ugly burgundy colour, with baroque style roses painted in a repeating pattern while the lower part was made out of large wood panels that probably dated all the way back to the Edo Period. The walls were lined with glass bookcases filled with ancient relics and old books, some of which Mikazuki was able to recognize despite the thick layer of dust that collected on top of them.

The sorceress paused, taking in the first editions written by Voltaire and Honoré de Balzac, the names of the authors written in perfect fine calligraphy in the spines. French literature, of course. Mikazuki huffed, turning around and frowning at the displeasing wallpaper, as if somehow it had offended her personally, but that wasn't what truly bothered the sorceress. The real problem was the layout of the room, it felt fabricated, the old books nothing but props, as was everything else, laying haphazardly yet carefully positioned. It was like a set from a movie, realistic yet lacking the little things that made place feel alive.

Léa Dubois cleared her throat harshly, the sound so sudden Mikazuki was forced to whip around and glare at the woman. She was standing at the edge of the room, leaning against the doorframe with her hands crossed in front of her chest as she eyed the twenty-seven-year old with a calculating gaze. Mikazuki held her gaze before letting her eyes wander south, scrutinizing her navy blue suit and the puffy white sleeves of her shirt.

As always, Madame Dubois was overdressed. Meanwhile, Mikazuki was simply wearing a combo of old sweatpants she'd found laying around at the manor and an old short-sleeved shirt with the logo of a band she did not recognize. The two couldn't be more different, yet they shared many similarities, some of which they didn't even know about.

The sorceress continued parading around the space, her dirty boots dragging mud across the carpet with each careful step, a satisfied smile making its way into her face as she felt the Cursed Energy inside of Léa bubbling to the surface like an overflowing pot. Mikazuki paused her parade, now standing in front of a set of old coins displayed in one of the glass cases.

They were expensive, probably worth more than most of the relics owned by her own family, all of them sitting in similar cases inside the chapel along with the remains of past sorcerers and shamans from the previous era.

"Glad to know all the money my father invests in this fruitless endeavour is put to good use." Mikazuki commented calmly, turning back to gauge Léa's reaction.

Although the funding on The Magistrate did not rely on Asahi's wealth alone, the man was still considered as one of its main contributors along with the Zenin clan and whoever was currently leading the Kamo Family. Financing an international coalition wasn't particularly cheap, even for a family with the ability to turn their heart's desire into pure gold.

The Mistress of France didn't waver, her face expressionless as she motioned for Mikazuki to take a seat. It was unnerving, the way she could just cancel her emotions and remain unreadable to everyone. It was also impressive, but that was too close to being a compliment for Mikazuki's comfort, so she kept that particular thought to herself. The sorceress huffed, rather displeased by the whole argument and plopping down on one of the leather chairs laid out at each corner of the room.

Léa pursed her lips, her expression darkening as she stared at Mikazuki with aversion. To the Mistress of France, Kinzoku Mikazuki was nothing more than a spoiled brat who threatened the existence of The Magistrate, and although killing her was no longer an option (at least while the child was in Asahi's favour, something Léa knew wouldn't last for long), the woman would gladly sent her back into exile. The idea was tempting, but with the current political climate, going against Asahi's heir was probably a foolish move, and Léa had already done too many of those in past decade to try her luck once again.

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