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ONCE AGAIN, THE KINZOKU HAD OUTDONE THEMSELVES. Gojo Satoru whistled, looking up and taking in the building in front of him. The Kin House, as it had been dubbed during the height of the Heian Era, was far larger than any of the other historical buildings in Hokkaido. It was also larger than most building in Japan in general, not that this particular fact mattered to the sorcerer.

The architecture was a mix between baroque European work and a hint of Asian – mainly Chinese accents – here and there. Nothing about the building screamed Japanese, but the golden layer painted across the swirling columns certainly detailed whose clan it had been modelled after. Even back then, when the world was still overrun by Curses and the Jujutsu society was struggling, the Kinzoku had still managed to make a name for themselves and profit from the situation. It was impressive as it was obnoxious.

The fact that the Kinzoku could still pull this off shouldn't have been a surprise to the young Gojo heir, and yet, he found himself unable to take his eyes off from the structure. It was very rare for the government to give up such large historical buildings, especially for superficial ceremonies that had no place in the current world, however, it seemed as if the Kinzoku had once again managed to persuade the government into lending them the house for Mikazuki's dated coming off age ball.

Satoru continued to walk the perimeter of the property before promptly being pulled back into the large entryway by his grandmother. Gojo Sene tsked, adjusting her grandson's tie and soothing down the fabric of his silver suit before turning to the rest of her offspring, chastising the younger Gojo with a quiet snarl. Kinzoku Mikazuki's return to society was an important affair, and everyone – including the Gojo Clan, to Satoru's disdain – had been invited to witness it.

As one of the big four families, they were expected to be on their best behaviour, something Sene had the intention of ensuring, even if it meant smothering her grandchildren to keep them quiet and polite.

Truth is, Satoru couldn't care less about these sort of things, he'd already had to live through his sister's, and now here he was, having to relive the whole thing for someone he didn't care about in the slightest. Satoshi was also displeased, yet at least he was using the opportunity to attempt a find a suitable match for himself like his twin brother had already done a couple of years prior. Gojo Seichiro was a happily married man, father of two, a fate which Sene wished would soon befall her other two (still unmarried) grandchildren.

Satoru huffed, at least he didn't have to worry about this nonsense now that his engagement to the Zenin girl had been finalized, not that he was looking forward to that particular affair either.

"Is this really necessary?" The eldest Gojo complained. "It's not like I'm actually interested, everyone knows I'm already engaged."

The words slipped out of his mouth easily, even when he knew the match was just another political scheme concocted by his grandmother. Still, as far as arranged marriages could go, at least his future bride was pleasant-looking, the Zenin in her clearly less prominent than in her older siblings, seeing as her features were far softer and more delicate. Then again, Eshima was only seventeen years old.

Satoru grimaced at the thought, jogging one of the tables that had been set on the corner and picking up one of the already filled glasses displayed on the mantle. Yes, alcohol would surely fix that problem. If only. Sene followed the boy across the ballroom, her own dress a beautiful piece of fine couture in black and swirling patterns of silver splattered across it.

"This is a party like any other, Satoru." The woman tried to reason, flashing a kind smile to a random sorcerer as they passed the crowd.

The Kin House was packed, both with local sorcerers, Doors and Windows as well as foreign dignitaries and members of The Magistrate. Sene had even spied an already drunk Léa Dubois near another refreshment table, her navy blue Jean-Paul Gaultier gown contrasting against the sea of blacks and dark accents. Satoru had also chosen a different colour, his grey suit probably wouldn't please the Kinzoku, especially considering the invite had clearly stated black in large print, but he was a grown ass man and could deal with the consequences himself.

Satoru paused, watching as his brother attempted (and failed) to court another sorceress. Not that he could blame her, Satoshi's reputation spoke for itself, and it was even worse than Satoru's, which was something remarkable in on its own. The Gojo heir twirled the glass in his hands, now fixing Sene with an annoyed stare, the tint of his sunglasses barely hiding the intensity of his Six Eyes.

"That's a bold lie." He stated, a satisfied smile appearing on his face when the woman glared at him. "We both know the Kinzoku only want to attract a suitable husband for Mikazuki."

Saying her name felt odd, as it was something that should never be spoken out loud, the effect it had when it rolled of his tongue sending a shiver down his spine. Sene let out an annoyed huffed, nestling her clutch under her arm and snagging the champagne flute from his hand, pouring the liquid down her throat before setting it back down on the table.

"Fine, that might be the case." She conceded, her tone just as irritated as her face looked at the moment. "But as her previous intended" Sene drew out the word, watching as Gojo rolled his eyes. "it would be rude if we don't make an appearance." The matriarch paused, craning her neck as she spied Naobito on the other side of the ballroom. "It would also send the wrong message to her suitors."

"Yes, because it's not like confessing to murder ten years ago might affect her prospects."

His Infinity was not fast enough to stop the discreet slap Sene sent his way, her handprint seared in red into the skin of his arm. Satoru winced, wishing he had been able to see that one coming, however, when he felt Sene's blue eyes glaring into his soul, he quickly adjusted his position, pulling on the sleeve of his suit to hide the mark.

"Behave." She commanded, the tone that had made her the Gojo matriarch dripping from the word.

Sene turned towards her other grandson, fixing him with a similar stare before adding.

"The both of you."

Satoshi put his hands up in defeat.

"I didn't say anything!"

"You don't need to."

𝑬𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑶𝑭 𝑮𝑶𝑳𝑫 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now