CHAPTER 4: Loop Two, II

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"You need to understand," Commander Erwin said slowly, "that what you are making are serious accusations, Miss [Surname]."

"I am aware."

"How am I supposed to trust you?"

You paused and thought it through. You glanced around at Erwin's office — neat and polished as a commander should be. He was looking at you from behind his desk. He did not look angry or disbelieving, but instead he looked intrigued.

"Sir, I heard Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover talk about what they should do with their Titans if Eren was eaten. I also heard Annie Leonhart ask Reiner what they should do when they saw Eren's Titan pass through. He told her to wait."

"Do you have any proof?"

"You can interview Marco Bott of the Military Police about Reiner and Bertholdt talking about it. I think if you ask any of the other cadets, they can affirm they heard Annie too."

Erwin looked at you for the first time with something resembling excitement. Not openly so, but you could hear fascination in the tone of his voice. You knew that it was because during the Scout recruitment, he had been intimidating on purpose to weed any infiltrators out. And now here was a cadet close to Eren affirming his suspicions.

You badly wanted to tell him the truth. What you really know. But you could not.

"I will choose to trust you," said Erwin. "If you are found guilty of lying, you will be severely punished for defamation. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

You didn't say that Annie was the Female Titan. In this timeline, the Survey Corps hadn't gone on the expedition to Wall Maria yet. You weren't supposed to know that the Female Titan even existed.

"Very well. If your claims are correct, then I'll be damned."

"And sir—" You hesitated. Erwin nodded at you to keep talking. "—after their arrest, we need to get to Eren Jaeger's basement as soon as possible."

"You are not in positions to make orders," Erwin said. You chewed your lip, embarrassed, but then he said, "But I will consider it."

You thanked Erwin and left his office. You were numb as you walked back to the barracks, where Christa and Sasha were packing their bags for the trip to the castle where Eren was hidden. When they saw you, they waved you over.

You didn't sleep well that night. Christa woke you up early. You noticed that Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie were gone at breakfast.

Sasha nudged a dry loaf of bread onto your lips and forced you to take a bite.

"Hey, [Name], eat up—the journey might be long. We should say good-bye to Jean and Marco before they leave for Stohess District."

"Have you seen Annie?" you asked.

"No, she was already gone by the time I woke up. Huh, isn't that strange? Usually she gets up last."

Your heart sank. Did they escape?

As you placed your bags on the horse's saddle, you left to find Jean and Marco. They were watching those who were leaving for the Scouts. It felt bittersweet that you were hugging them good-bye, when in another life, Jean was supposed to be riding beside you.

Marco pulled you aside. "Annie's nowhere to be found," he said. "Did you...?"

"Marco, please," you pleaded. "Not a word. I swear, I'll make things right."

Marco sighed. "Okay. Fine. Just be safe."

You bade good-bye and rode off with the Survey Corps to the castle where Eren awaited. He hugged you tightly when you reunited, and you couldn't help but squeeze back. His embrace was a relief.

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