My Wife Alma

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A very short one-shot, but I still hope you'll like it.

"Alma, dear, you don't have to do this. I can take care of myself."

"Nonsense," she smiled and gently tucked me in. I try to fight her, but I felt incredibly weak so after a few tries, I resigned.

"I am your wife, after all, I have to care take of you. It's my duty," she stated matter of factly and pressed her hand to my forehead.

"Oh, love, you are burning up!"

"Alma, I am f-" but before I could finish my sentence I sneezed. She gave me an unimpressed look. So much for convincing.

"Anyway, it's hardly your duty? How did you come up with that?"

"In sickness and in health, remember?" She said and shot me a cheeky side glance.

"Why did I ever agree to this."

"Because you love me, my darling. Now stop this and let me help you." She placed a cold cloth on my forehead. I tried to readjust it but she gently slapped my hand away and did it herself.

"Alright, alright," I laughed and noticed that the corners of her lips turned slightly upward.

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