Those Little Moments

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The vapour from the kettle started slowly rising to the ceiling, filling the whole kitchen with hot steam. Isabel leaned against the kitchen counter and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day. That was a bold statement considering that every day was the same but throughout the many years of being an ymbryne loop resident, Isabel's learned to love the small easily missable moments of her loop that made each day memorable. Now, that she became a new inhabitant of the loop September 2nd, 1940, she's decided to use the same strategy. Today she'd go for a walk along the shoreline. The kettle started to whistle.

Isabel put the hot water from the fire and took two mugs out of the cabinet. Then she reached out again but a little further and she pulled an old metal box from the shelf. As she opened the box she was hit with a delicious scent of black tea.

She wasn't always a fan of tea. It wasn't that she'd hold a strong dislike against it. She just found it too simple. Some hot water and some herbs, where's the fun it that she used to say. It wasn't until she's met Alma a few months ago that she finally found her love for this hot beverage. The first time she tasted tea from her academy years was when Alma's asked her out for a drink. Nothing fancy, she said, just a small teashop downtown. I'd like to know how you've been since I last saw you, said Alma as she looked up with a sweet smile. Isabel wasn't able to refuse. The reunion with her childhood best friend has brought her many joys.

She put three scoups of dry tea leaves into a ceramic pot and poured the hot water over them. Then she placed said pot on a wooden tray along with cream, sugar, and two teaspoons. As she turned around to get the mugs she's left on the counter she heard quick steps approaching. Isabel smiled to herself.

"I see the sleeping beauty's finally woken up. Good morning, darling. How did you sleep?'' Said Isabel and turned around to meet Alma standing in the doorway. She wore a green satin robe over her white nightgown. Her slightly messy raven hair was down and reached just below her collarbone. She had a look of slight confusion and adoration in her eyes. Oh, what an adorable woman she is, thought Isabel.

"Thank you for staying up with me. It helped me a lot," she said and walked over to Isabel, stopping a few steps away from her.

"Of course, Alma. Whenever you need me," said Isabel with a bright smile. Before she knew she felt two hands wrap around her middle and pull her close in a tight hug. Isabel carefully put down the two mugs she was holding and then she pulled the small woman in her arms closer. Small moments like these meant everything to her. They hugged for a little longer before Alma pulled slightly away, still keeping her arms around Isabel's waist, and looked up at the taller woman, gazing into her brown eyes. Isabel kissed her forehead.

"I made tea," said the silver-haired woman. Alma chuckled a bit as she leaned in and pecked Isabel's cheek. "I thought it was my cross to bear this morning."

"Don't get your hopes up, I haven't forgotten," said Isabel as she shot Alma a playful look. She received a rather dramatic eye-roll in return. "You just looked so sweet and peaceful, as you do right now in fact, and I didn't want to wake you up, my dearest.'' At these words, Alma pulled away blushing and muttering something under her breath.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you, Alms," teased Isabel.

"You're terrible," said Alma while hiding her dopey-smiling red face in her hands. "I believe the word you're looking for is fabulous," replied Isabel with humour while pouring the tea through a strainer into the two mugs on the table.

"Here," said Isabel and handed the warm mug to Alma. She took it from her hands and leaned over it for a moment while closing her eyes to take in the calming scent. "Thank you," she whispered.

Isabel leaned against the counter once again as she quietly observed her lover. I comfortable silence spread between them.

"What do you plan on doing today, Izzy?"

"I thought I could go for a walk along the east coast shoreline," said Isabel as she took another moment to look out the window. "This is a beautiful loop."

"It was a necessity that brought us here rather than luxury, but I did my best to make a home out of it," replied Alma. "I'm glad you like it here. I was worried you'd feel trapped with us here." Her voice slowly faded into silence. "Trapped with me."

"I love it here, Alma. Truly," declared the taller woman as she turned back again and glanced at her best friend. When Isabel noticed that Alma had teared up she ran straight up to her and hugged her. "It must be the weather," said Alma with a smile while tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm extremely happy you're here with us," she laughed. Isabel laughed with her. "It's been nine months," teased Isabel. "I know, can you believe it?" Exclaimed Alma with sheer happiness.

"We should go all together and maybe have a picnic too," said Isabel joyfully

"As a family," whispered Alma. Isabel took her lover's face into her hands. "As a family, my dearest."

I've experimented a bit with the third-person pov. Let me know what you think :D!

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