Astronomy and Swimming in the Moonlight

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"See there," I whispered with my finger pointing to the night sky, "that's the North Star."

"I can't see it," whinned Isabel as she unsucessfully searched the space above us. "Where exactly is it?" I shifted closer to her to move her face slightly downward and direct her gaze on the brightest star. "Can you see it now?"

"Oh yes! I can see it now!" I smiled at her enthusiasm. "North Star or Polaris as she's also known is quite usefull for the determination of cardinal directions as it lies very close to our North pole and barely moves," I said excited.

"So, that way's North," said Isabel poiting into the darkness. "Yes."

"Tell me more," she demanded as she grabed my hand in hers. I immediately felt blood rising into my cheeks. Thank birds it's dark.

"Well-," I pushed my glasses up,"The star's also a part of a constellation. The Little Bear or Little Dipper. It's a...see the stars around-ehm..." I struggled to find a way to describe it to her. Straightening up from the blanket we were lying on I started drawing in the sand. Isabel rose too and leaned over my shoulder to see what I was drawing. I could feel her warm breath on my cheek and I panicked a little. "It-It looks something a little like this," I stuttered as I presented to her the drawing of the constellation. "The North Star is here," I pointed to the top of my amateur drawing. Isabel hummed at my explanation and moved away to lie down again and look at the nightsky. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Yes, there it is," I heard her say as I lay down next to her again. "I don't remember talking about this in class. Where did you learn all of this, Alma?"

"I borrowed a few encyclopedias from the library and studied them for a while. These are the basics really," I answered staring into the darkness. "What a smart cookie you are," said Isabel with adoration in her voice. I couldn't help but get a bit flustered at the new pet name. A comfortable silence spread between us and I listened to the crashing of the waves into the cliffs near by. It was a beautiful night. The silver moon was high in the sky, not a cloud insight. The moon's shine was being reflected by the water, turning it a light blue colour. It was trully a marvelous idea to sneek out.

"I'm going for a swim," declared Isabel suddenly. "You're free to join me, Alms."

"What? Why?" I questioned, but she was already untying her shoes. "I bet the stars are more visible from there," said Isabel pointing to a little island not far away from shore. "A, that's not how that works and B, it's the middle of October!" She laughed at my flustration as she unbuttoned her vest.

"Isabel don't be like that," I whinned. "What would Miss Avoccet say?"

"Oh common darling, don't spoil it," she said in a almost seductive tone. "Who cares about what The Bird has to say. And besides, it was your idea to come here, so why not make the best of it" she replied cheekily. "I-I didn't think you were going to be so- so..."

"Adventurous?" She asked while unbuttoning her shirt. My face reddened.

"Reckless," I replied and looked away blushing. "You're going to catch a cold!" "Not if I swim fast enough."

"What if something happens to you?! What-what if you start drowning?!" She stood up from the blanket, considering my words.

"If you're so worried," she paused looking at the shoreline, "then join me." She said and she ran towards the waves giggling.

"No, no, no!" Hurrying to take my dress off I almost ripped it and ran after her.

By the time I got to her I was already neck deep in the water. I couldn't feel the cold, all I could think about was dragging her away to the land again. She finally turned around and faced me with a victorious smirk. And that's when it hit me.

"If you really wanted to get to the island you would have flown over! You just wanted to get me into water! You planned this!" Her smile grew wider. "I may have," she said innocently. "It isn't that bad Alma, is it?" I rolled my eyes, but thought about it. The bright moon above us; swaying in the gentle waves; the peaceful sounds of the sea. I smiled.

"Ha, I knew you'd like it," squealed Isabel with delight. Her chocolate eyes beammed with exitement and I couldn't help but stare. Her short blond-dyed hair curled up around her ears and around her jaw, framing her face perfectly. Her dark smooth skin shone in the moonlight, the small drops of water creating silver jewerly on her shoulders.

"Like what you see?" Isabel's voice dropped an octave lower, the words rolling of her tongue with an adorable french accent. I met her eyes expecting to see them filled with amusement, but instead I found them overflowing with curiosity and adoration. I strand of my dark hair, which is usually kept in an updo, fell down in my face.

"Let me get that for you, dearest," giggled Isabel as she reached out and put it behind my ear. I froze in place, as it often happens to me when I'm overwhelmed with emotion, and stared at her with my cheeks turning a dark carmine colour. Isabel moved closer to me and took my hand under water in hers. She interlocked our fingers searching my eyes for any sign of discomfort. "Is- Is this alright?" She asked. I nodded slightly and squeesed her hand. She smiled sweetly. I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Isabel reached her other hand out and traced a line along my jawline while her eyes never left mine. "So," I heard her whisper, "Does this," she paused for a moment and glanced down at my lips. "Does this make me reckless?" She leaned in, closer, and smiled at me. In that moment, I didn't think about what Miss Avoccet would say; what our friends would think; the looks we'd be given. I couldn't think about anything else than the closeness of our bodies; her hot breath on my lips; the cute look in her eyes; her hand in mine.

"I suppose we're both reckless," I whispered, stood on my tiptoes, and closed the gap between our lips.

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