Chapter Six

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After a while of walking, Jamie could hear Jonah and Yuki whispering. Jamie

knew it was about him.

"You can't blame him, his brother just died," Jonah said.

"I guess. But is he stable enough to go through with the plan and kill the guy?" Yuki


Jamie stayed silent. After a few minutes, they came upon a motel. It looked rundown,

which was perfect. They went into the lobby. There was an old woman at the desk.

"We would like a room, please," Jamie said.

"Sure dear," the lady replied, handing him keys, "Room seven"

"Thank you," Jamie replied.

Jamie left and walked to room seven. When they got in there, there were two queen beds.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Jamie said.

"If we're here for more than one night we'll take turns," Yuki said.

"Fine," Jamie said.

He went and took a pillow from each bed. He picked a spot on the floor and set the

pillows down. Jamie set his gun on the dresser. He kept the pocket knife.

"I'm sorry you guys. I shouldn't have made you go. I shouldn't have even tried to come," Jamie said, sitting down.

"Jame, how could the plane be your fault?" Yuki asked.

"I had you go on that plane! How could I not have been the root problem for this! I

haven't even been thinking straight for crying out loud!" Jamie yelled,

"Jamie," Jonah started.

"I haven't even been nice to you guys," Jamie mumbled, "I don't understand why you'd

want to come with me,"

"Because, Jamie. We're a team. We have each other's back," Jonah said, walking over

and sitting next to Jamie.

"I'm sorry," Jamie whispered.

"It's okay. We understand," Yuki said.

Jamie only nodded. It was starting to get dark outside, so they all decided to try and sleep. Jamie kept turning over.

Jamie gave up on trying to sleep and decided to step outside. He stood up and carefully

made his way to the door. When he got there, he slowly opened it trying not to make a noise.

He stepped outside and leaned on the rail to the balcony area. He took a few deep breaths.

"Darn it," Jamie whispered to himself.

He put his head down and cried. He stayed like that for what felt like hours. Jamie

tried to stay quiet but the longer he cried the more he wanted to scream.

Jamie heard the door open behind him. He quickly wiped his eyes, trying to hide the

fact he'd been crying.

"Oh, you're out here," Jamie heard Yuki say, "Wasn't expecting that. Thought you were in the bathroom."

"Just needed some fresh air," Jamie replied.

"Yeah...well, If you need anything. I'm going to go find a payphone and tell Nathan what


"Okay, yeah,"

He watched as Yuki left. It was almost dawn. Jamie went back inside and sat down on

the floor again. He decided to wait to find something to eat. Jonah was still sleeping, so Jamie just sat and thought everything over.

A few hours later, Jonah finally woke up.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"About 9," Jamie replied.

"I slept in! Why didn't you wake me up?" Jonah yelled, jumping up from the bed, "Where's Yuki?"

"I'm not exactly sure, he went to find a payphone,"

The door opened and Yuki walked inside. He looked tired.

"I did find a payphone, but it doesn't work. We'll probably have to go to a gas station or

something and use their phone," Yuki said, going to sit on the bed.

Jonah went into the bathroom.

"We should probably eat soon too," Jamie said.

Yuki nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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