Chapter One

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Jamie Pittman's feet pounded on the pavement. He gripped his bag tightly, hearing the items inside clink around. He could see the red and blue lights. He ducked into an alley. He lifted the sewer grate, As he climbed down, he put the sewer grate back. When his feet hit the ground, he started running again.

After a few minutes, he slowed to a stop. He grabbed his phone from his pocket. When he turned it on, he saw a text from his brother.

"Are you free for dinner?" It read.

"Yeah. Let me drop something off first," he replied.

Then, he went to text Nathan, his boss.

"It's done, I'll be there in a few,"

Jamie continued to walk until he came to a latter. He climbed up. It was only a few blocks away from where he needed to be. He continued on his way.

Once he got to the warehouse, he got a key and unlocked the door, Jamie walked inside, The light was already on.

"Welcome back," someone greeted him.

"Hey, Haider," Jame replied, going over to the safe.

Jamie put in the code and threw the bag inside.

"Good job, Jamie," A voice said.

"Jonah! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on us!" Haider yelled.

"Sorry," Jonah replied, scratching the back of his neck.

Haider sighed, "No, it's fine I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. It just...surprises me, that's all,"

"Yeah, surprise," Jamie said, skeptically.

"Shut up," Haider retorted, hitting Jamie's arm.

"I gotta go meet my brother for dinner, I'll see you later," Jamie said.

"See you," Jonah and Haider said in unison.

Jamie opened the door and left. He took a helmet and put it on. Then, he grabbed his keys and got on his motorcycle.

When he got to his brother's house, he took his helmet off and set it on the handle. He walked up the walkway and saw the door was bashed in.

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