• The Hell Am I On •

694 22 13

June, 11th 2019

"Ugh, what happened?" I mumbled slowly while sitting up, The "bed" I was on was thick rubber. It was pretty cold with only my f/c shorts and f/c short sleeved shirt. I looked around the room, I saw a fridge with blood on the handles and literally blood everywhere. There was a sink, desk along with a tray with utensils. I slowly got up to see if I could get out of this room, lab? It looked like a doctors office.

"Hello?" I called out, No response. I walked over to where there was currtens separating the room. When I felt the cold clothe reach my hand, I pulled it expecting d3ad b0dies. But it was a normal clean room, A bed and another desk. When I walked out and went to check the door it was locked. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. I soon reached in my pocket, my phone! I have it!

I quickly pulled it out and started dialing 911. "C'mon c'mon" I said loudly. *beep beep* no service appeared on the screen. My heart dropped. "W-What no! No you piece of shit phone!" I whispered/yelled. I then was about to put my phone In my pocket and then I felt it buzzing, Then I put it slowly up to my ear, It was a staticy voice. "See your finally awake y/n~ E.J is out right now so im here to wAtCh yUo" the voice began glitching and hung up. I heard the door click behind me and assumed for the worst. But then an elf? Fucking link from Legend of Zelda was standing in the door way.

His pupils were read and dilated, There was blood streaming down his face and gushing even more due to him smiling. His skin was pale, his lips blue. 'Dam this b must be cold asf.' I said in my head laughing.

He soon broke the silence. "Like what you see y/N? YoU have Been staring for Awhile." He said while taking a step in. "Where are we? Who are you?!" I spoke. "Well, we are in the slendermans manner, and I am BEN. We have been talking for awhile." I soon paused. "Slenderman? Slendermans not even real dipshit. And If your BEN. Wait." My head went back to when we were first texting. A boy who looked just like the guy infront of me smiling. "So... it makes sense now. YOU are actually BEN DROWNED. and let me guess. If YOUR real. Then Slendermans real." Chills went down my spine. "Yup" he replied while glitching out and landing on the chair besides the "bed". I looked at the opened door and then at BEN. He was on his phone.. I silently slipped away and ran down stairs.

While doing so I ran into a women wearing a doll mask? With black hair and a curvey black dress. Tbh she was pretty fine. "I- I'm sorry." I said while smiling. She just stared at me. "What are you doing here." She plainly asked. "Um, I was kidnapped by a ugly ass guy that smiles a shit ton. And he probably won't be able to have kids is why he kidnapped me." I said while awkwardly smiling. 'Ha imma die.' I mentally stated. "Jeff? What did you do to him?" She asked while turning her head to look at the other people on the old scrapped up couch. They were watching an old t.v show on a 2000's t.v box. " kicked him square in the balls." I said while laughing slightly. I had my eyes on the big door hoping to escape.

"So your the person who did it? Y/n? I like you now just because of what you did to the joker reject. Fucking hate the guy. Good job." She stated. She was about to walk away, then came back to my ear and whispered. "Fear. It doesn't look so good on ya y/n. Show less or your gonna get killed." And with that she walked up the Long stair case. "This is going to be a long day." I mumbled. I was silently walking to the door hoping to not draw attention. "Hey... arnt you the one who kicked Jeff in the balls? Ha!" A scratchy voice said. I turned around to the leather couch. Their was a monochrome clown sitting by a man? With a painted smile on his mask sketching in what seemed to be his sketch book. The man soon looked up. "Yea they are... BEN showed me a picture." He replied to the clown.

Soon the man clown stood up. "Holy shit" I said out loud. Bro was literally 7'3. He walked over to me and smiled. I was at his hips looking up to him. At this I was blushing. 'Y/n tf you doing?!' I then thought of a cringey meme and stopped. "Y/n was it? Do you want some candy?" The clown asked in his scratchy voice. He then put his.. hand into his... stomach. Bro put his hand In to his stomach. He then pulled out some lollies and grabbed my hand. He then sat them in my palm. There was blood and organs in the little rappers. I looked up to his tooth filled shark like smile. I just held them there in disbelief.

"Jack do you have the... mortal" a muffled British accent spoke behind the clown. Jack turned around and you just stared at the creature. Man? He had a blue mask on with black ooze dripping out of the eyes. Infact I think he had no eyes. He had a blue sweatshirt on stained with who knows what and jeans on. He was wearing a surgical aperon. "It seems your heads better. You should go up and speak with the boss." He said, I was assuming the boss was Slenderman. Ha just great. Imma die. Then the blue masked man grabbed my wrist and took me back to what I assumed was his lab. BEN was still on his phone and didn't even realize I was gone. "Istg BEN I will smash that device. I told you to watch the mortal and yet here you are. Great job." He said sarcastically.

He soon let go of my wrist and went to his desk and wrote something. I turned to the door with two men standing there. The one who knocked me out and another one with a yellow hoodie on with a hockey mask with a frowny face on it. They both had visible blood stains on their clothes. "Pathetic" the doll masked man muttered. I had it with this guy. Thinks he had fucking knock me out like that. Say shi.. " stfu You doll lookin ass I bet you ugly asf under that raggedy Annabelle mask. So don't talk shi unless you want something to go with it." I scoffed at him. BEN burst out laughing while the man I had just insulted leaned against the door frame. The hooded one came over and grabbed your arm. Tightly. He soon dragged you to the door where the masked man put out his foot and tripped you. He let out a quite chuckle and I just glared at him.

As wewere walking along the hallways it was quite. Besides the yelling from the living room or from the kitchen. "So uh are you guys little fairies that live in the magical slender house. Hehe" no one responded. "Murderers?" You asked hoping for it not to be the answer I already knew. The masked man let out a sigh and shook his head up and down. Ha just great. But from the side I could see his side burns. They actually looked fucking 💫beautiful💫.

We soon reached a door and the hooded man knocked three times. Static filled my head. I started to wince at the the noise while the other two were completely fine. "Come in" a low voice boomed in my head. The two pushed me in the room and shut it.

What I saw in front of my eyes didn't frighten Me. It made me question what other creatures were out there besides humans.

Damn what kind of hentai shit am I getting myself into.



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