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Hi, it's the author who's talking!
Please be gentle with me, English is not my first language :<
I really hope you'll like this fanfiction. It's kinda... Dark eh eh
Enjoy ~

Soonyoung woke up feeling the sun on his face, as a smile crept to his lips. He was going to spend all day with Seokmin. He loved spending time with him, it was one of his favourite things in the whole world. And today was no exception!

Soonyoung was in love with his best friend for now 3 years. He didn't know when he started to have feelings for him but as soon he knew it, he couldn't stop to wait his textes, to stay by his side, to love him secretly.
The boy decided to tell him everything at the end of school, and in one month will be the day. At the end of the exams, when all the pressure had disappeared. Before they go to different universities and won't see each other anymore.

He hopped out of bed and quickly changed into something confortable; and then grabbed his phone. It was already half past ten am, so he would be able to leave early if he wanted to.

Soonyoung went downstairs and sat at the table, waiting for his mom to come down. It didn't take too long for her to appear, still in her pyjamas. She smiled and walked over to him.

"How is my son this morning?" she asked, taking a seat next to him.

"I'm great, thank you." he said with a big smile.

She kissed his cheek and stood up to prepare the breakfast. She cracked some eggs in a pan while rice was cooking in the rice cooker.

They ate together.

"I'm gonna go meet Seokmin now." Said Soonyoung as soon as he finished his plate.

His mother nodded and waved goodbye to him before heading back upstairs to her room. The boy smiled and finished to wash the dishes before heading back in this room too to getting ready.

Soonyoung made sure not to forget anything important. He grabbed some money from the kitchen counter, shoved it into his pocket, and left the house.

The walk to the park took less than five minutes. When he got there, Soonyoung could hear someone crying nearby. He looked around and realised that it was Seokmin. He had been crying quietly, but when Soonyoung came closer, he could see his tears flowing.

Sensing the other's presence, Seokmin turned and saw him. A relieved expression appeared on his face. He stood up and wiped his tears. "Hey, Soonyoung." he said. His voice sounded hoarse and dry, like he hadn't spoken in days.

Soonyoung smiled softly. "Hi," he replied. He reached out and placed his hand on top of Seokmin's head. "What's wrong?"

Seokmin shook his head. "Nothing, really. I... I just miss you?"

"Me too." Soonyoung replied honestly.

This was one of those times where honesty seemed to bring them close.
They stood there together for a while, just looking at each other.

Eventually, Soonyoung broke the silence. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked, still holding onto Seokmin's hand to make him comfortable.

Seokmin sighed deeply. "Let's walk first," he said.

They started walking through the park.

As they were walking, Seokmin let go of Soonyoung's hand and pulled out his phone. He tapped his screen a few times until he heard his phone ringing. He scrolled through it quickly and pressed the button to answer, holding it up to his ear.

Soonyoung heard everything, it was coming from Seokmin's phone, but he did understand everything "...and then I told him to shut up because he talked without even know anything..." Seokmin said. His voice sounded slightly strained, like he might cry again.

Soonyoung frowned. 'Why does Seokmin have trouble talking?' he wondered.

It had never bothered him in the past, and now, he couldn't stop wondering. 'Is it because he's sad? Or because he doesn't trust me enough to talk about it? Is it because he doesn't want to hurt me by telling me?'

Suddenly, he felt like his heart was breaking. He knew Seokmin well, and he knew that sometimes his emotions ran too high and overwhelmed him.

Soonyoung could tell when he was hurting, but he also knew that it was his job to help him feel better. So he decided to make his presence known.

"Are you okay?" he asked, stopping short and facing Seokmin.

Seokmin nodded. "Yeah, sorry," he apologised. "I'll be fine."

Soonyoung studied Seokmin's eyes for a moment. It looked like he'd lost weight again. It was almost like he'd lost an unhealthy amount of weight since then. Soonyoung wondered if he started again.

Seokmin must've seen the concern on Soonyoung's face. He laughed nervously. "I'm just tired," he explained.

But Soonyoung didn't believe him. He remembered. He was worried about Seokmin. "You should go home, though," he suggested, "you look really exhausted. And maybe... Eat something."

Seokmin shook his head. "No."

Soonyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you sure?" he asked. "You can't possibly be okay with staying here all day."

Before Seokmin could reply, there was another sound from his phone. Soonyoung noticed that it was his mom calling him.

"Sorry," he said, "that's my mom. I have to answer."

"That's fine, answer your mom." Soonyoung replied with a softly smile.

Seokmin smiled back and accepted the call from his mom. After a few minutes, he set his phone off and came back to Soonyoung.

"She's in the park, she asked if we could meet her." He said with a sigh.

"Okay. Let's meet your mother" Soonyoung agreed, smiling back at him. He linked their fingers together, and they headed off towards the carousel where Seokmin's mom was waiting.

As they arrived at the place, Soonyoung's eyes widened. There were balloons everywhere. People were dancing and eating ice cream cones, which were scattered across the ground. There were tables with food and drinks.
"This is beautiful," Soonyoung breathed. He felt like his heart had stopped beating. Everything was beautiful. There weren't many kids around, but they were having fun nonetheless.

Then, Seokmin's hand slipped from his own.

After a few minutes, Soonyoung was starting to panic. Where was Seokmin?! Was he alright? Was he hurt somewhere? Why wasn't he answering his calls?! What was happening?!

Suddenly, everything around him started to spin. All colours were blending together. He felt like he was dying. Someone was screaming. There was a loud thump, and everything faded away, leaving nothing behind.

Just darkness.

When Soonyoung woke up, he was lying on a soft surface. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a hospital room. It wasn't a very fancy room, but he did recognise the place. It was the hospital room Seokmin had spent the first three weeks after he became ill.

Soonyoung hated this place and the memories it was related to. Everything came back to his mind. Seokmin laying in this bed, At the gates of death, skinny to scare.

Soonyoung looked down and saw that his best friend was here, sitting in the chair beside his beg, holding his hand tightly. Seokmin was asleep. His brow was creased in worry. He must haven't slept for a while because he was clearly very pale.

Soonyoung raised himself up carefully and moved over to the side of the bed as not to wake him up.

"You're awake?" said Seokmin, coming out of his dreams.

"hum... Yeah?" Soonyoung answered, giving him a bright smile. "What happened?"

"I left you alone for 3 minutes to pick up my mom and buy you an ice-cream in my way back but... When I came back you were lying on the floor. You passed out."

Soonyoung closed his eyes, trying hard to remember what happened. He just remembered the red balloons and the smell of grilled peanuts.

" I'm sorry..." He said. Seokmin squeezed his hand a little harder to reassure him. He knew this feeling.

" Let's go back home now."

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