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The second crisis he had was with Seokmin.

Seokmin lived with them for now a week. Soonyoung's mom refused to let the boy come back to his home which made Soonyoung really happy. He could see Seokmin every day, every night at every moment he wanted. He just had to turn the head to see the beautiful face of his best friend.

They were in Soonyoung's room. Exams were in two weeks they had to revise. Soonyoung was tired of it. He couldn't stand maths and physics anymore. But after that, they will be free.

"Seokmin?" He asked with a grin on his face." What do you want for dinner?"

Seokmin looked at him, confused he answered: "What?"

"What do you want? I'm hungry!" Soonyoung grinned.

Soonyoung wasn't that hungry, but he was tired of numbers and... Letters. He just wanted to do something. Anything as long it wasn't math.

"Actually... I'm not really hungry..." Answered Seokmin, his face was getting paler. "But... Let's cook something for you. What would you like to eat?"

Soonyoung looked at him, worried. He didn't like how everything started again. Why passed a month at the hospital didn't help even a little bit? Why Seokmin was fighting all alone?

"You should eat a little bit. You barely ate at lunch." Answered Soonyoung.

"I'm okay." Seokmin looked at him and took his hands. "Trust me please."

Soonyoung had to agree, even if he was still worried. He didn't know what to do to help him.

They went downstairs together, holding hands. Soonyoung walk to the kitchen and looked if he could find something good to eat in the fridge. Seokmin sat on a chair and took back the reading of his Korean leçon.

At first, it was just his stomach which were hurting him. He just felt discomfort. But it started to hurt more. And more. And more...

Soonyoung screamed And had to curl up because of the pain.

Then, the black liquid flowed again from his nose. He felt it in his throat, in his mouth... He spat some on the ground.

He coughed and tried to swallow again. His body was burning and he was shivering.

It was so uncomfortable to move or speak. The only thing he could do was breathe. Every time he breathed out, the black liquid got into his lungs. It wasn't making any difference, it kept on coming.

He knew there was no point trying to breathe. It felt like he was drowning underwater. His eyes filled with tears and he tried to cry harder, to keep himself calm.

He closed his eyes tight. This wasn't right. He wanted help, he needed help. He needed... Someone to save him. He cried louder, feeling himself getting light headed.

A loud noise rang inside his ears. He opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything, only his own body. Everything was spinning, his whole world was turning upside down, but the worst part was. He couldn't breath.

He began to panic, to struggle. He couldn' feel his hand, his heart was pounding inside his chest. It felt like it was going to explode.

He grabbed his neck with both hands and started choking, the black liquid rushing to his ears. His whole body shook.

His vision blurred again and soon black liquid ran out of his mouth. He fell forward and collapsed on the floor.
All around him was dark. There was nothing. No sound, nothing...

Until he heard someone call his name. It sounded far away, but it was real. Real enough for him to respond.

He struggled to look up. It was hard. He blinked and blinked until his eyelids moved against each other. Finally, he saw a figure moving near to him.

Slowly, he turned his head towards the person. A very familiar sight. It was Seokmin. Or maybe his mother... He couldn't tell. But it seemed like she was here too.

Softly, Seokmin took him in his arms. He started to draw circles in the back of Soonyoung, to calm him down.

The boy had watching the scene as soon as it started. He had seen with horror the freaking liquid coming from his best friend's mouth. He had seen him choking himself and scream painfully. He didn't understand what was going on but... He had to calm down Soonyoung at first.

Then he would take care of his best friend and make sure he was alright.

Seokmin softly started to sing him a song. When Soonyoung finally stopped screaming, he slowly laid him on the cold floor. He then sat next to him and he just sang. He sang for about 10 minutes...

The first few minutes, Soonyoung couldn't hear anything, his mind was foggy. He was lost, lost inside his own thoughts. His eyes were closed tightly. It seemed like a dream, Seokmin singing him a lullaby.

When Seokmin started playing with his hair, Soonyoung started opening his eyes. He was looking at Seokmin while he sang.

When he finished singing, Soonyoung gave him a small smile. Seokmin smiled warmly back. They stayed silent for a while, before he spoke again.

"Do you want me to sing to you again?" Asked Seokmin softly.

Soonyoung nodded slightly. He liked the feeling of Seokmin's soft fingers carding through his hair. It felt relaxing. It also smelled nice, like flowers. He liked smelling flowers.

He felt Seokmin start singing. He didn't know the song, but he loved listening to his voice.

He fell asleep. It seems like he did when Seokmin stopped singing.

He opened his eyes again. He was in his room. In his bed.

"You're awake." Said Seokmin. Like in the hospital, the boy was holding his hand. "Don't worry about your mother... I all cleaned up."

His face got darker, he let his fingers between Soonyoung's.

"Soon... What's going on?" He asked. He was about to cry. "It's not the first time... What was... What is this thing?"

Soonyoung couldn't answer. He didn't even know himself what was just happening. He looked at Seokmin, trying his best to not cry but he felt tears coming up and running on his cheeks.

"Seokmin..." He said. "What if I die? I can't die right now... I.. I have something I have to tell you... I don't want to die!"

"You won't die." Said Seokmin while taking his best friend's cheek with his hand. "Look at me Soon. I'm not dead, if I'm not dead don't even think about dieing."

"I feel it... I feel it moving in me. It's growing."

"What? What's growing?"

"The thing."

Hi guys ~
I'll be offline for like 2 days so I don't know if I could post the next chapters
I just wanted to make you know.

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