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He had his first crisis thee weeks after he went home from the hospital. He was alone in his house. His mom was at work.

At first, he just felt something flowing out of his nose. He thought this was a nose bleeding. But that was cold and black.

Slimy and smelly. Like petrol.

It wasn't a nose bleed, it was more like something crawled up in his lungs and got in his nose. Then he coughed. Something was coming up his throat.

And then he fell to his knees.

Tears welled in his eyes. What the hell? This wasn't possible right now.
There was so much of this damn freaking slimy liquid on him from coughing up whatever it was that was crawling in his chest and nose.

His hand found his neck, trying to feel if any wounds were there or if he felt this thing which were in his body, but all he felt was smooth skin. His throat hurt though.

Like a lot.

And as soon as he thought about that, his throat really did hurt, and when he moved his hand to touch his neck, he couldn't see anything wrong with it. It didn't hurt. But the tears started falling faster than before.

Why was he crying?

Why was everything blurry?

There was nothing around. Not anymore. He was all alone in the dark. He couldn't move. There was no light anywhere. No noise. He was going crazy.

But he still couldn't see anything, and everything was too quiet and dark for him to hear anything either. Maybe he was still in the hospital. That was plausible. Maybe he didn't came home yet.

The silence was driving him insane, because what else could be in his room except silence?

He closed his eyes and tried breathing slowly through his nose. He opened his eyes again and realized he couldn't do that either. He started to panic.

What if he died here?

What if he died before he could tell everything to Seokmin?

He was breathing through his mouth now, which made everything worse. So much worse. Everything hurt. The pain spread throughout his whole body and the more his heart beat faster, the angrier he became.

He tried getting rid of the anger, and the panic. He wanted something, anything to happen. Anything.

And nothing happened.

Only the silence answered him.

He fainted a second time.

When he woke up, he was still in his bedroom, laying on the flour. The black liquid was everywhere around him but the pain had disappeared.

He tried to stand up but he was still in shock. His legs refused to move. So he just wait, fixing his white ceiling.

After a few minutes, he could sit down without having a bad head ache. He looked at the hour on his cellphone but his attention was caught by a notification.

"3 missed calls from Seokmin" he read. His voice was cracked... Infunctional.

Soonyoung started to panic again. Seokmin wasn't used to call, something was wrong. Did something happened with his dad? Did he finished at the hospital again?

No... Earlier at school he was good. He even ate at the cafeteria with him. Not so much but still he ate.

Soonyoung called him back while he finally stood up. He wanted to sat in his bed but he remembered that he was covered by the slimy liquid. He decided to take of his dirty clothes.

The phone ringed three times and finally Seokmin answered. Soonyoung heard him cry through the phone which broke his heart, he hated seeing Seokmin crying like that.

"Soonyoung..?" said Seokmin with his voice cracked by the tears. "May I come at your place...? Please."

"Where are you?" asked Soonyoung walking in his bathroom to wash his face.

"I'm at a bus station... It's cold outside."

"Come right now!"

He heard Seokmin nodding in the phone and he ended up the call.

Soonyoung had walked difficulty to arrived at his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked so exhausted. He was pale and his eyes were red because of the tears. In his neck, we could see the marks he made to defend himself. He was trembling. He looked like a zombie.

He laughed. Seokmin will be afraid if he sees him like that. And how to explain for his room?

What happened to him...?

Where did this freaking liquid came from?

Why did he feel like he wasn't alone?

His eyes couldn't quit his reflect on the mirror. He was him, he was Kwon Soonyoung. But at the same time, he was someone else, like something which shouldn't be here.

He didn't have the time to think, he heard the doorbell ringing. He found a t-shirt and he ran in the stairs to open the door at Seokmin.

"Hi..." Said the boy. Seokmin was only wearing a sweater, he was so cold that his lips were blues.

Seeing him, Soonyoung took his hand and he hugged him.

"I'm sorry.."

Soonyoung shook his head. "What for?"

"I was a jerk.. You... I didn't want you to see me like this..." The other said with tears running down his cheeks.

Slightly annoyed by his friend's behavior, Soonyoung took him home and made him sat on the couch. He went to the kitchen to boil some water to make tea.

He came back a few minutes later with two mugs. He gave one to Seokmin.

"What happened? Your dad?"

Seokmin nodded and drink the tea his best friend gave him without watching him. He was ashamed.

"Yes." He said after a few minutes. "He yelled at me... And said bad things..."

Soonyoung noticed that he was trembling, he knew that it wasn't because of the cold. Seokmin tried to hold his tears.

Soonyoung took his hand softly and gave him a gummy smile. Seokmin smiled back which made our boy blushing.

"Everything will be fine. I'm here." Said Soonyoung while he kissed the other's cheek. Seokmin let his head laying on Soonyoung's shoulder.

They stay together like that in a comfortable silence for about a hour until they heard Soonyoung's mom coming back from her work.

" Boys?" She said, looking at them with a surprise face. "Don't you have class tomorrow?"

Soonyoung smiled at her and took Seokmin hand to come in his bedroom.

"We'll go to bed!" He said at is mom.

And then he opened his door. The chaos in his bedroom hadn't changed (Soonyoung you're a bit stupid bro, your room won't clean up itself)

"Oh wow what happened?" asked Seokmin, entering the room.

"Nothing... I'll tell you everything tomorrow... I'm exhausted..." He answered, letting himself fell on his bed.

He rolled under the covers and fell asleep almost immediately.

Seokmin was astonished but didn't tell a word. He took off his sweater and went to bed next to Soonyoung.

" Thank you" He said, before he fell asleep too.

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