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"Are you sure we'll find advice at the library? I think I should go at the hospital."

"Doctors are assholes. They will give you a mountain of useless pills and then tell you that everything will be okay but let you die alone."

Soonyoung looked at his best friend, he remembered when Seokmin went out of the hospital. The boy had looked a way more exhausted than when he entered.

Soonyoung never knew what happened at this hospital, but he knew that his best friend didn't change his way to eat. Now, he still looked so skinny, so unhealthy.

Soonyoung looked at him and gave him a hug. Seokmin didn't understand why, he didn't have to understand.

"What was that for?" He still asked now that Soonyoung was walking in the library.

"Nothing. I just felt like." He answered while taking a book and opened it to have a look on it.

"Just feel better soon okay?" Said Soonyoung in a sigh as his best friend fixing him. Seokmin only nodded at it and leave in another room.

Soonyoung knew that he shouldn't be the one who say that since they were here for him. But even with some creature on his stomach, Soonyoung couldn't help but care about Seokmin.

"well... Now where I start?" He asked himself since no one was with him now. "Talking about it... When did it start? In the park...? That was the first time I faint."

The library was the boys favorite place. The two boys loved how quiet it could be without being disturbed. They also loved that there were here, an incalculable number of books, all different, sometimes even in a different language. It was the perfect place to relax and to just forget about the world.

They could come back anytime they wanted, no matter where they were. It was their own little haven away from all the problems.

They had their favorite spot, a corner where they would sit down on a comfortable bench. They used to sit next to each other. Sometimes Seokmin would read a book, sometimes Soonyoung would read a magazine.

But today wasn't the moment to read a magazine neither a book. Soonyoung had to find what was growing in his stomach before he... Died.

He walked around looking through the shelves, he knew there must be something in the library that could help him. Maybe there was some potion or medicine? What if there was?

When Soonyoung's hand touched the edge of a shelf, he pulled it open. There, inside, he found a few papers, probably notes. Soonyoung took them carefully, afraid that whatever it was could blow up in his face. He scanned through the pages.

That was only notes from a sci-fi fanatic. The writer of this note must have seen so much movies and read so much books to write feedback this detailed.

Soonyoung stopped when he saw something that made him stop. His eyes scanned over the page again and again. Then he stood straight and looked at a certain table near him. Where was Seokmin?

He ran through the shelf covered with books. He ran into the labyrinth of knowledge, he lost himself between dancing letters and silence. The name of his best friend escaped from his lips. He ran and found him.

Seokmin was talking with a girl, smiling at her with a wonderful, bright and shining smile. The one he used to make at Soonyoung. A laugh escape from the girl's lips, he saw her blushing.

Soonyoung didn't know what to do. He was holding in his hand the note paper he found a few minutes ago. He looked at everything without even trying to do anything.

Seokmin saw him.

He said goodbye to the girl and walked to meet Soonyoung.

"Found anything?" He asked. He haven't lost his smile. He was beautiful.

Soonyoung was frozen. He just stared at him like the idiot he is. He slowly started moving toward Seokmin until he was right in front of him, not knowing what to do.

"Soon'?" He looked worried. "You okay? Are you hurt?" He raised his arms to touch Soonyoung's shoulder but Soonyoung took a step back.

He didn't move. He couldn't move. He tried to take in what happened to him. His breathing was becoming hard, he can't breathe.

"What happened?" Seokmin was scared by how pale Soonyoung' became and by how silent his best friend was. "Soon'?" He asked again.

Seokmin was scared of what's happening to his friend. Why would Soonyoung react like that?

Then, he noticed the paper Soonyoung was holding and took it gently, careful not to scare him. He read it.

"Oh man!" He said, trying his best to hold his laugh. "Alien? Really?"

"Don't laugh at me!" answered Soonyoung, Trying to get his paper back. He had come back to his senses. "I got traumatized by this movie. Remember I couldn't sleep for a week!"

"Do you really think you have an alien in your stomach?" Seokmin was laughing his ass off. A lady stared at him with a dark gaze.

"You won't be laughing when this thing will come out of my belly!" said Soonyoung, pointing with his finger a drawing on the paper.

"Come on! Aliens aren't real Soonyoung!" laughed Seokmin. He hugged him. "Hey, come on... You're scaring me. Don't worry. We'll fix your problem."

Seokmin didn' know what he did, but suddenly he felt Soonyoung's body relax against his chest. He caressed his head.
Suddenly, the feeling hit him.

Soonyoung's breath changed slightly. And Seokmin noticed that he was trembling. He held him tighter.

Soonyoung's heart was beating fast. Too fast.
He looked at him. Tears came streaming down Soonyoung's cheeks. Seokmin could see his body become weak.

Seokmin took him into his arms carefully. "Okay. Okay Soonyoung. Let's go to our house."

"I don't want to have an alien in my body." He said between two sob. "I have something really important to tell you... I feel this thing. It's in me, I feel it moving. I can't eat because it gives me nausea. Seokmin I feel like I'm fucking pregnant!"

Soonyoung cried a way harder. Seokmin didn't know what to do.

Soonyoung's face was turning red, he could hear him sniffing, gasping for air as tears kept flowing down his cheeks.

It was hurting him seeing his best friend in such a condition. He hated when Soonyoung was sad like this.

He needed to do something but what? How could he calm Soonyoung down? Was there any way he could?

His heart was racing in fear. Seokmin held him closer, stroking his hair. He didn't know if he could calm down his best friend like this. He took Soonyoung with him and they went out of the library.

Seokmin started humming. Singing a song worked the last time. He was holding Soonyoung's hand tightly.

"Everything will be fine..." He whispered.

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