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It was the day before the exams.

Soonyoung was in his room, sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard.

He had his knees pulled up to his chest and was playing around with a small plastic stick while staring at a screen on his computer.

His mind was racing. It's been like that since morning. And he wasn't really sure why. He's been studying for exams his entire life. But this one seemed more difficult than ever. Plus, he still had this thing growing in him. He felt it, it was getting bigger and bigger, ang bigger again...

He sighed, setting down his device and rubbing at his eyes. He didn't notice how tired he truly is.

His head is throbbing as if it were on fire. He doesn't know what happened or how to feel about this. One minute he was reading a textbook with perfect scores, the next, everything went dark and he couldn't move a single muscle.

Soonyoung got up from his bed and grabbed something out of a drawer. A small blue glass bottle that contained pills. He looked at the label and felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach.

They're Xanax.

What kind of student takes those? Soonyoung scoffed. It wouldn't surprise him if his parents did it either. He placed the bottle back into his desk drawer and flopped down onto his bed again.

"What am I going to do." He mumbled, burying himself under his covers. He can barely think anymore. His head feels fuzzy, everything goes fuzzy.

He just wanted sleep. Why couldn't he just go to sleep already? He felt so tired, so very weak and vulnerable. This is the last thing Soonyoung needed right now. He closed his eyes and let sleep finally take over him.

But the moment his eyelids shut for the final time, they shot open once again. He groaned loudly, feeling frustrated and confused. There's no way he could fall asleep like this.

He tried to stand up, he was thirsty so he went down to the kitchen to find something to drink.

As he was drinking a glass of milk, he felt something growling in his stomach.

"And everything start again..." He said before he had to handle himself to the work plan due to the pain.

He felt the dark liquid flowing again. He didn't even care anymore.

It didn't matter if it was poison. It didn't matter if his body was rejecting it. Everything hurts anyway. The world around him began spinning and he heard voices yelling at each other.

He didn't even realize he was holding the cup tightly until there was red liquid coming out. It splashed everywhere when he dropped it on the ground. His vision became blurry and he felt cold. He couldn't even see properly to pick up the mess anymore and he fell down.

Everything turned dark.

Then he felt pain. Sometimes coming in his throat. It had legs, as if an insect was going up in his body to the bottom of his mouth. He felt it. It was crawling inside him but he didn't notice it.

He was so scared. What was happening to him? Was this how it was meant to be? Just dying slowly alone in some dark room? Was that his destiny?

The thing was now in his mouth. He opened it to yell but nothing came out. He saw with horror two antenna coming out. Then spider legs... FROM HIS FUCKING MOUTH!

Soonyoung was crying and crying. The thing continued to slowly come out of his mouth. Oh he wished that Seokmin was here with him. But no. He was alone.

Seokmin's grandma decided to pick him up yesterday to spend some time with her grand son before the exam. Seokmin accepted with joy but let Soonyoung alone.

And now Soonyoung had his hand holding his neck, trying to cough to let came out a freaking insect from his mouth. Everything in a deluge of black slimy liquid.

The thing came out. It didn't looked like the Alien he saw in the library but it didn't looked like something terrestrial either.

He saw it. What he created.

It looked like a big larva. All slimy... Sticky. It was rejecting all this black thing. It was floating everywhere, so sticky, so smelly, so... Disgusting.

It had legs, long and skinny legs like spider legs. And two big antenna which where moving around in a disgusting way.

Soonyoung was on the floor. He was covered by the liquid. He had some everywhere, in his hair, on his clothes, on his face, hands, feet.

Soonyoung was afraid, Soonyoung was disgusted. All he wanted was to vomit and wash his mouth with bleach. He wished he could throw up his stomach like the frog to washing it. He created this.

He stood up.

He took a knife. And he stabbed. He stabbed, he stabbed and stabbed again. Nothing could stop him.

He created this.

He gave birth to this.

He created a monster. He created a monster. He created a monster. He created a fucking monster.

The blood of the things squirted everywhere. His clothes were full of the slime. He felt sick. So sick.
He looked at the monster. He couldn't tell what it was. Some kind of worm? Or a centipede? Maybe it was a bug. He thought.

The monster made a strange sound. It sounded like a moan. Like a cry for help.
Soonyoung knew that he should run far far away, but his legs wouldn't work. They just stopped.

He looked at the monster, who looked back at him with its red eyes. Its antennas were still moving.
Suddenly, the monster ran towards Soonyoung.

Soonyoung took a cutting plank and just squished the thing. He hit, he hit, he hit, he hit, he hit.

"Die! Die! Die! YOU'LL FUCKING DIE!" Soonyoung was now screaming, yelling in his dark house.

He heard his mom waking up and coming. She turned on the light and let out a little scream when she saw the mess in his kitchen.

She looked at her son, now dark, slimy, smelling. Soonyoung was crying, he couldn't help but cry.

She ran, taking care to esquive the black liquid, and she took her son in her hard. Holding him tightly.

"Chut... Chut... Everything will be okay..." She said, looking in disgust at the thing under her cutting plank.

At this time, they never knew what was this thing, where it came from and why it chooses Soonyoung's body.

Soonyoung got traumatized of this event and never walk in a park again. Soonyoung and Seokmin both had the university they asked. Soonyoung finally confessed to Seokmin which the boy answered with a positive answer. Together the successful dealt with Seokmin's eating disorder. They now live happily together.

The end.

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