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I shook my head as I walked into the class to find Stephanie already hanging around Ivan, so she could get attention from the new student, a smirk made way to my lips as I headed towards my seat while avoiding eye contacts with her because we might end up laughing.

"Ivan, can you please hand me your note?" Stephanie requested in a low tone.

The things she does to get men...

Ivan furrowed his brows at her in a questioning manner, "My note for what exactly? This is the first day of the term, are you high?"

On love, yes.

She let out a nervous laugh before replying him, "Oh, that's true. I forgot."

She still did not want to leave just yet as she was waiting for Ivan to get the hint and introduce his friend to her, the boy in question was not even staring at her.

Screaming nonchalant.

"Okay, bye now." Ivan dismissed her and she gave him a middle finger in return before cat walking back to our seat which was not so far from theirs.

"That Ivan is just a wizard, he will tell me whether he is gay or straight since he doesn't want to give me his friend." she complained as soon as she sat down.

It was not a new thing that Ivan was usually hostile to Stephanie, maybe, in the past, they were sneaky links or something.

That we may never know.

"Is it not too early for man-hunting? I am sure, you will get to know Harold if you don't force it." I advised her.

Her eyes became teary and I knew they were fake considering how dramatic she was, "He did not even spare me a glance."

I shrugged my shoulders, not caring if my next words would hurt her, "Maybe, you are not his type or something. He just came from the US, you don't expect him to start liking Nigerian girls, maybe, he likes white girls or something."

I was just being brutally honest.

"If that is the case, I will change his taste in girls, the boy is too fine for me not to date." she whined.

"Calm down, Stephanie. He is Ivy's friend, if Ivan doesn't help you out, I am sure, she will. You just have to buy her lunch for a week and take her shopping." I stated.

Her eyes lit up in excitement and she smiled, "Yes, you are right, I will bribe her."

I checked my wrist watch to see that it was almost time for Chemistry class, I quickly took out the key from my bag, so, I could go to the lab.

"Where are you going?" she asked me.

I jiggled the keys in front of her, "Lab prefect, remember? We have chemistry, this morning."

All the color from her face washed away when I told her that, "Oh my goodness."

"It is much better than Maths or Physics, so, don't complain." I told her before taking my notebook out of my bag and walked out.

My classmates were just acting as if it was free period until Mr. Martins would come to the class and yell at them for being unserious in their final year.

As I got in, I brought out the test tubes from the cupboard before washing them in preparation for the class.

They started trooping in one after the another and I needed Stephanie to keep a free chair for me before she would follow man, as usual, Ivan came in between them and I could see the frustration which was evident on her face.

"Miss Maduka, please, have your seat." Mr. Martins told me after I was done cleaning the white board.

All the seats were taken and the only one available was next to....


It's fine, Iris.

He won't talk to you, so, you really do not have to worry about that.

Yeah, I forgot that I was nearly invisible.

I shot Stephanie a glare before quietly sitting down, the sweet scent of his cologne filled my nose again and I tried not ignore his hot side profile while paying attention to whatever Mr. Martins was teaching.

Damn, he's a distraction.

I shifted nervously in my seat and my palms became sweaty even though, the air conditioner was put on.

I was never going to make such silly mistake again, if I was going to survive this term, I would have to avoid him before my grades would drop because of my silly fantasies that would never come through.

"Miss Maduka, why are you not writing? Are you thinking of your children at home?" Mr. Martins questioned me and I was pulled back to reality.

My classmates gave me different reactions and I had to force a smile to convince the teacher that I was okay.

"I am sorry, sir." I apologized.

I honestly thought he was still explaining instead of dictating the lesson.

"It's too early to be distracted, Miss Maduka, you have to stay focused." he told me with a straight face.

My heart was racing fast as I feared the next words that would escape his mouth, he was really close to my parents and he snitched a lot, so, I had to keep up the good girl act anytime, I was with him.

"I believe Mr. Coker isn't bothering you because he seems like the quiet type." he asserted.

Harold raised his eyes from his book and I noticed a smirk play on his lips.

"No, he is not." I responded in a meek tone.


He went back to dictating and I had to leave a page for the scheme of work, so, I would catch up.

The lecture ended and everybody left for the next class which was Agricultural Science.

I returned the tubes back since they were not used and when I was done with the whole place, he was still in the lab.

What was he still doing here?

Maybe, he stayed back to talk to you or something.

I cleared my throat before forcing myself to speak, "Uh, I want to lock up the lab."

He squinted his eyes at me and then responded with a husky voice, "Oh, I was planning on staying here a little bit longer because it's better than staying in the library but okay."


That made no sense.

"Well, this is not a place of study, it's more of a practical, so..." I pointed out.

He looked down at his book and then, smiled to himself which was weird, "I know, the library is occupied with lots of people, I rather be where they are not."

So, he was the type that liked to keep to himself, no wonder he did not pay attention to Stephanie, this information would reduce her crying rate, a little.

"In that case, you will have to seek permission from Principal Austin." I told him.

"I have already done that." he replied.

I nodded my head slowly, not sure of what to say next because his piercing brown eyes were intimidating.


He grabbed his book and left without saying anything further, I released a breath that I did not even know I was holding.

Communicating with a guy was one of the difficult tasks to perform.

Hey guys 👋❤️, how was this chapter?

Sorry for the short chapter though 🥺, don't forget to vote, comment and share🥰.

Next chapter coming up 🌚soon.

Thank you.

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