I was at a small town, which seems to be a little run down but it was colorful. The tourist guide lead us to a bus, and then we went down hill. From the window I can see the beach and the buildings near the shore with a shade of blue. It was a really sunny day with little clouds hanging in the bright blue sky.
We reached our destination which seems to be a little run down stadium. I went inside to find a seat. I climbed up the top row and the seats were cushioned with cloud-like materials, it felt like the softest chair I've ever sat on. The chairs had two seats, which looks like a small sofa.
I waited [_] to sit with me. I looked around at all of the different people sitting near by. That's when I saw a familiar face walking towards me. [_] came and sat beside me then asked about my day. There was nothing to watch but we sat there for what felt like a long time. We leaned back and then watched the skies and the clouds.
We were just peacefully sitting on the chair, almost falling asleep as there were nothing at all to do. But we enjoyed each other's company. At this point we didn't spoke a word anymore, just leaning onto eachother, barely able to keep my eyes open. [_] held my hand, but [_]'s hands were bigger than mine, I could barely get my fingers wrapped around [_]'s. But it was nice anyways, having someone to hold on.
A while later the people started leaving, and I noticed it. I woke [_] up and told them that we need to go. We got up, suddenly we were walking on glass over the stadium. A rush of people marched by and I can barely see [_] anymore. After I got out, I couldn't find [_]. I went on with the tour, going back to the hotel.
After the bus ride back to the hotel, I went to a near by store to walk around. They were selling bikes and fresh produce outside. There I saw [_] last time, they were riding on one of the bikes. [_] said that they're going home now. [_] rode down the hill into the traffic.
Dream Journal
Randomsometimes I get weird or interesting dreams I guess note: i dont proof read what i write so good luck