Music Room Three

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Finally, the place of my dreams, Japan. I step off the plane and breath in the new air. Even better than home. Maybe being an exchange student won't be so bad, after all I'm from rich decent like all the people at the school. Speaking of which where are those Ouran dorks anyway? The "Host club" (whatever that is) is supposed to pick me up. I walk over to the luggage pick up and see a tall blonde boy waving a sign with my name on it. Oh god, don't let that be them. There is several boys there to be exact. I guess that's what a host club is? A bunch of somewhat hot guys, probably just seducing girls. I catch myself starring at the collection of guys when the blonde one grabs my hand. "Excuse me mrs." He says while bowing, still holding my hand. "Would you by any chance be (y/n)?" I shake my head out of my daze and quickly pull away my hand. "Um, yes. And who might you be?" I ask. "My name is Tamaki Suoh, and I must say (y/n) what a beautiful completion you have." Says the blonde Tamaki. "Oh don't patronize me with your fake act." I spit back. "I don't by any means want to be seduced by a meaningless boy I just met." Tamaki looks shocked and in pain. Found a week spot I guess, pretty boy must be loved at school. "Well if you will excuse me Mrs." He says, and turns on his heels and slinks to a corner. "I'm so sorry about him!" Says a boy with a very feminine face. "He just gets a little- TAMAKI, QUIT GROWING MUSHROOMS!" He interrupts himself. I glance at the sullen Tamaki in a dark corner surrounded by mushrooms. "I'm Haruhi, haruhi fujioka." He beams. "Well at least you're normal." I add. He giggles and I swear he resembles a female more than a male. "This is the rest of the host club, but I'm sure you will have time for introductions on the ride back!" He chimes. "Alright, let me grab my bag and we shall be off?" I inquire. "No need." Replies one of the boys, quite tall in stature, accompanied by a young looking blonde child. The taller one has my bags slung over one of his shoulders, while the young boy rides on the other. "I'm Mori, by the way. He states. "AND IM HUNNI!" Cries the younger boy, flashing me a bright smile. Hunni has crumbs all over his face, and a pink bunny in arms. He must be no older than 4. "Well let's get going then!" Haruhi chirps. "Tamaki, let's go." He says as his tone turns sharp and venomous. We proceed to exit baggage claim, and make our way through the airport when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. "Hello (y/n)." I hear and jump at the sound of the unison voices. I turn around to see two auburn haired boys, tall and slender. Identical in size and completion. "Twins, I presume." I say, their hands still on my shoulders. I can only identify one difference about them, and it's the part of their hair. One on the left, and one on the right. "Yes, but do you know which is which?" They ask again in sync. "If you guess correctly, we will be your slaves, if you guess wrong... Penalty game." They both share a rather devilish smile. "I don't even know your names!" I snap. "Oh well I'm Hikaru, and that's Kaoru!" Says the boy with the right part. I stop in my tracks. I turn around and look twins in the eyes. "You're lying." I say. "It's the other way around. The one with the left part is Hikaru, and the one with the right part is Kaoru." They both look at me shocked. We make our way to the limo and ride to the school. "We can give you a tour if you would like?" Inquiries the most civilized looking boy if all. "I'm sorry, forgive me I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kyoya Ootori. " He bows and smiles, then proceededs to push up his glasses with his middle finger. "That would be lovely." I reply. I was right, he is the most civilized. "Kaoru, Hikaru... Show (y/n) around will you?" He ask. They twins appear in front of me and smile. "Of course we will." They reply. "To begin our tour, why don't we go to music room three?" Hikaru ask his brother. "Brilliant." Says Kaoru smiling devilishly. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?
(A/N) Hey guys thanks so much for reading! I will write a chapter tomorrow as well, fear not. Hope you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions, comment them or P.M me!

Double Vision (Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now