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Samantha wakes up to the sun shining a little too bright in her eyes for it to be evening. Jerking up, she glances at the clock to see it's seven in the morning. Confused, she glances to the other side, and she lets out a small shriek, seeing Lucas sitting there watching her. He leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

"You're creepy," she blurts. "Why are you staring at me? Why are you still in a suit?" She glances at the bright window. "How is it already morning?"

"Because the night is over," he replies as if it answers all her questions.

"You never woke me up," she accuses. He shakes his head. "Why?"

"Didn't seem right to."

"Why? I was supposed to bake something."

He scratches his head, looking uncomfortable. "I didn't want to interrupt your sleep. You looked as if you needed it. I didn't see a reason to wake you."

"So you came to stare at me all night?"

He leans back, "No. I did some things, and then I came here to sleep."

"Then you stared at me."

"No, I woke up before you."

"An then you stared at me," Samantha smirks. "Was it enjoyable?"


She sits up higher against the headboard. "Hey, if staring is a turn-on for you, I won't judge. A bit odd, but so is sleeping in a suit."

"I did not sleep in a suit. I already changed."

"So you woke up and instantly put on a suit. Fun. Guess you're going out today?" she asks, surprised when disappointment hits her. Even though they already finished the attic, she is sure there is more they can find to do.

"Not today. I don't think so, at least."

"Then why the suit?"


"But your working from home?"

"Just in case—," he stops, annoyed. "What's with all the questions?"

She shrugs, "I am a curious person."

"I've noticed," he says in a tone she doesn't appreciate.

"At least I'm not obsessed with wearing a suit. Or watching women sleep."

"I was not—okay, this is enough talk for the morning," he pushes away from the chair. "Let me know when your morning routine is done with. I got something for you."

"Something else for me? Wow, I feel special. First, you stare, and now a present."

Lucas ignores her and leaves the room. She grumbles to herself, annoyed he didn't wake her earlier. Her annoyance quickly leaves when she remembers he said he has something for her. She rushes to brush her teeth and straighten her hair. She heads to the kitchen and gets a whiff of a disgusting smell that has her puking in the toilet within seconds. Her hope that Lucas didn't hear her fades when she feels her hair being lifted away from her face. Breathing heavily over the toilet, she closes her eyes, hating the feeling she gets after puking.

"Are you alright?" Lucas asks, continuing to hold her hair. Samantha is suddenly very aware of how he is leaning over her, a hand soothingly rubbing her back. It's something she wished she had ever since the sickness began, and now that she does, it hurts that it's under these circumstances.

"Mhm." She carefully stands up, her legs wobbly.

"Careful," he says, stabilizing her as she washes her teeth. "Kitchen?"

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