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(Continuing from last chapter – outfit last chapter)

*At lunch*

Breona: I hope we're not intruding

Belle: Nonsense

Megara: Are you sure? We can always go

Meredith: Please stay I wasn't close to Audrey... I want to be close to you

Breona: Why? I'm nothing special

Ben: That's not true

Hercules: So, this is my daughter's boyfriend

Breona: Play nice dad... Ben this is my dad Hercules

Ben: It's a pleasure to meet you sir

Hercules: Please call me Hercules

Ben: Okay

*After they eat*

Belle: It was nice meeting you Breona

Breona: You also ma'am

Belle: Please call me Belle

Breona: Are you sure?

Belle: Positive

Breona: Okay thank you Belle

Ben: Is it okay if I go with Bre?

Adam: Of course, son

Meredith: I want too also

Belle: Go ahead

*When they get to Breona's friends*

Evie: How did it go?

Breona: I think they liked me

Meredith: Give them time they are used to Audrey

Breona: Okay... I'll hold you to it

Evie: I actually have a question about coronation

Ben: What can I help you with?

Evie: Is it true that we all get to go to your coronation??

Ben: Yeah, they whole school goes

Evie: Who all stand in the front row?

Meredith: I'm sorry but up front is just me, Ben, our folks and who ever we are dating

Evie: Do you have a boyfriend?

Meredith: No, but I do have my eye on someone

Breona: You should have a sleepover with us

Meredith: Are you sure?

Breona: Absolutely

Meredith: When?

Evie: How about tonight?

Meredith: Sure... I'll meet you in your guys' room

Breona: Okay

*Meredith goes to her room to get a small bag packed*

Ben: Is it bad that I worry about Meredith is going to steal you from me?

Breona: She's not going to steal me away

Evie: I'm going to head back to the room to continue with the dress design

Breona: Okay... I'll help you later

Evie: See you then

*Evie goes back to their room*

Carlos: We are going to go

*Jay and Carlos goes back to their room*

Breona: And then there were two

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