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*While they are eating*

Jay: You should come tonight

Breona: Maybe... I just don't want to ruin Ben's night

Meredith: This is just as much as your night as it is his

Breona: Can I think about it just for a little longer?

Meredith: You have until the Royal Cotillion starts

Breona: I should have a decision by then

Jay: Sounds good to me

Megara: I can't believe all of my kids are finding their happy ever afters

Breona: I mean you did find yours with dad

Megara: Yeah but you guys didn't get many opportunities as the others but you are setting your own stories

Jay: Only because we had you helping us

Megara: You guys are my kids at this point

Breona: I've been meaning to ask... what color is your dress Mere?

Meredith: I believe it is red

Breona: I bet it looks beautiful

Meredith: Of course since Evie made it

Breona: This was nice but I need to go see Evie

Megara: Right now?

Breona: It's important

Megara: Okay don't let us keep you

Breona: Thank you mom, I'll see you guys later

*When she finds Evie*

Doug: Are you seeing someone else? Are you?

Evie: No

Doug: Is it Happy's son? Because let me tell you, he is not as happy as his dad. Kind of a dark streak, in fact

Evie: Doug, Breona left the school and went to her mother's house

Doug: So you're not seeing Happy's son or anyone else?

Evie: Don't be dopey besides, we have dresses to deliver. It is Cotillion day, after all and you know what? I was lucky enough to have been given a chance, and now I need to give someone else a chance, too

Doug: My Uncle Bashful used to say that

Evie: Did he?

Doug: Yeah but really quietly.

Breona: Sorry for making you think that Evie was seeing some else

Evie: Where did you come from?

Breona: From lunch with my mom, Jay, and Mere

Evie: Oh

Breona: But if you are busy I can talk to you later

Doug: I'll go start delivering dresses

Evie: I'll help as soon as I finish up here

Doug: Okay

*He leaves*

Evie: What can I do for you?

Breona: I need your help

Evie: With?

Breona: My shoes for tonight

Evie: You're coming?

Breona: I owe it to myself to give myself a chance to fit in... especially if I want to be with Ben

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