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*When they get back to the school*

Uma: Ooh. All right. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say, girls? Time to wrap things up?

Ben: You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up

Evie: Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over

Ben: Breona?

Breona: I can't leave them over there without giving them a chance

Celia: What are you talking about?

Breona: I have to tell you guys something. Um... *While letting out a shallow breath* I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle

Evie: What do you mean?

Breona: They are canceling the program at this point in time... just until the barrier can be fixed and there isn't anything threatening to escape

Evie: But the kids

Breona: It won't be forever... Evie

Celia: You know what? I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken that was too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again

Breona: Celia. Celia. Celia, no!

*She throws the ember into the water and Uma leaves*

Evie: Celia!

*They all get turned to stone besides her and Uma - when she finds Uma*

Breona: Uma! Uma, stop! Please, stop! I need your help. We have a chance if we do this together

Uma: Your friends kick you to the curb? Good

Breona: Ben saw something in you and today, Uma, I saw it, too. You care. Uma, you care about everybody and Auradon is worth saving. Help us, please

Harry: You talk pretty, but... she's already made up her mind

Uma: You brought this on yourself, Breona. You figure out how to fix it. Let's go

*The group of pirates go to walk off but stop*

Celia: *From one of the towers* Help me, Breona!

Audrey: Yeah, save your little friend, Breona!

*She turns into her phoenix*

Celia: Help me, Breona!

*She sends a bolt of lighting towards Audrey*

Audrey: Careful not to fry your little VK buddy

Harry/Uma: Whoa!

Uma: She doesn't stand a chance without the ember

Celia: Help me, Breona!

Audrey: Come on. Hold still, you little brat!

Uma: We're stronger together. We're stronger together! I'm right here, Breona!

Breona: Regain your might and ignite

Uma: *While grabbing her shell necklace* I'm right here, girl. I'm right here

Breona: Regain your might and ignite!

*The ember reignites*

Uma: Yes! You want a piece of this, huh?

Audrey: No, no!

Uma: Go, Breona!

Gil: Go, Breona! You got this!

Uma: You got this, girl!

Celia: Yeah! Come on! Breona!

Breona: Celia. It's okay. I've got you. Audrey? Oh, no

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