Eddie x upside down y/n

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The first thing that you could ever recall not opening your eyes it was the pain being 10 in 1980 feeling every molocule of your body be exposed to heat and pressure all at the same time it was indescribable pain it shot threw you like lighting every slincell was on fire and well that was just monday they where just getting started practice it was unrelenting day in day out 365 24/7 chalk marks scattered your wall but things all changed when that masacre happened at the time i was locked in my room waiting for the next punishment when bricks and dust flew and a loud thud hit my wall all i could see was the bottom of a hospital nightgown from my huddled space under the bed thats where he said the monsters cant get me so i stayed until there was no sound and i heard quiet footsteps retreat and climbed out seeing a burn silhouette on my wall i slowly dragged my finger over it and a whole to what could only be described as pandemonium opened up stupid little me had to go and look threw it when i slipped and fell it felt like falling for eternity and a day and it didnt stop......thats the first thing and only thing I rember apart from the pain.

Then there was this boy a while ago yelling for help but what could i do i was trapped in here with you i watched him kept rhe bats away when he was free he left a bag here with snacks and food and a torch some clothes i had never tried sewing before but not a bad time to start there was a first aid book i spent hours reading it over and over practacing on myself passed the time.

Then today i was woken up by a group walking into my mansion they looked rugged and dirty one of them had an open wound i climbed into the walls and watched them from around the house they searched with torches 2 of them girls 2 boys they played with the energy burst in the attic while they where distracted i stole a radio from the bag and went back to hiding but it was too late
One of them yelled and followed after me downstairs luckily i skipped a corner and hid he grunted and the rest of the group came downstairs
"Who was that?"
"I dont know"
He pushes his hair back and they all left my home i wonder if it will work.

I came downstairs and sat on the table and held the radio switching from station to station waiting for it to land on one that worked it , footsteps stomped on the stairs shacking the house he came downstairs and simply saw me on the table playing with the device he said nothing to me and did nothing but he held out his hand like he always did but i shook my head slowly and he just walked out never attacked me so i flipped threw more channels until I got one it was playing a song i really liked it it had been awhole since i heard music i loved it.when he came back he had a bag and looked at me i looked back blankly and he handed me a few clothes i nodded mt head
"Thanks rest"
He nodded and went to his hibernation chamber i turned and looked at the clothes and smiled looking at thw clothes i smiled changing out of the hospital rags and into the more comfortable clothes

when he came back he had a bag and looked at me i looked back blankly and he handed me a few clothes i nodded mt head "Thanks rest"He nodded and went to his hibernation chamber i turned and looked at the clothes and smiled looking at thw clothes i...

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I was listening to my newly functioning radio and laying in my room when i heard more music coming from outside where they crazy playing thag loud bats will come kill them i had to warn them i grabbed my bag and ran out of the house towards thw music.

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