Eddie x upside down y/n PART 2

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They stood at the door to vecnas mansion and y/n walked in not remotly scared or off put she walked right in and went straight to the attic as if she had done rhis a thousand times before and just looked around at the burnt decript place and started cleaning up and seemingly talking to herself

"Hey Henry its been almost a month now i know we never talked well i never talked to you i was so mad about what happened I should've you were the only onw here who would constantly talk to me no matter how much I ignored you I guess i was just mad about everything that happened"

She kept talking to herself and turned the radio on the radio and smiled at the song that came on
"You used to sing this to me in the lab i like my version better tho"
She smiles and started singing it softly dancing and sweeping around the room letting the melody fill the hollow house the curly haired renegade watched from behind the door watching her every shift and movement almost hypnotised by them as the girl from the upside down kept singing to the the ghost of once was.

Once she was done cleaning and singing she stood up and sighed
"Theres a boy here well a man he Dosent know yet but i feel like i should tell him the truth but what if he goes crazy"
"What truth"
Eddie stepped from behind the door and y/n backed away dropping her broom and back away into the hole in the attic and fell threw almost fell threw as eddie ran forward and grabbed her arm she screamed and dug her nails into his arm
He offered his other hand she tried pulling herself up and got a nail in her hand and screams
She looked up at him and grabbed his arm and he pulled her up and lost balance making her fall ontop of him and they both groaned as eddie shoved her off and therw was a sudden gagging sound he turned to the side and saw one of the broken planks sticking thrrew her chest
"Shit shit jesus h christ no no no"
He slapped her cheek and pulled her off the stake and held her in his arms and slapped her cheek
"Wake up cmon cmon"
She suddenly grabbed his hand and croaked weakly
She held her stomach as it slowly healed up and she got better and clearer
"What..the....werent you just...."
The man had a perplexed look on his face
"I'll explain everything back at the caravan okay"
She stood up and eddie stood yhere with her blood still on his hands and slowly got up shaking and muttering questions to himself.

Once they where home y/n washed her hands before cutting up and preparing dinner
"Well explain"
Eddie sat on the counter And she slapped his head
"Ass off where i eat"
He jumped off and leaned on the side
"Jesus dont yell at me"
She scowled at him
"Sorry ma'am"
"Correct now you where dead well almost dead when i picked you up you lost alot of blood but there was a creature i have never seen it before but one night when i was tending to you it came in and drank your blood in your vein and thats when you woke up but as soon as you did it disappeared the creature is half bat half man"
"What did you just call me?"
She looked at him
"No not you that thing that bit me oh my god im a vampire"
"Sure if thats the more human way to call it while your here times diffrent and your different when your here you can control your urges to drink when your out there you cant youd go blood crazy and rampage you already have"
They had started to walk back to the caravan when the arrived she opened the door and took off her jacket
"What do you mean already have"
She groaned
"You really wanna do this curly fries"
Y/n turned to him with het arms crossed
"Fine lets do it"
She took off her shirt and he instantly turned around covering his eyes
"Jesus H Christ what are you doing!"
He yelled she rolled het eyes
"Get a grip"
She turned him around and put her arms out and there where bite marks all over them as well as discoloured veins and some bruises
"Was that....."
"Yes every night you come into the cupboard and chew on me like a dog toy"
He stood there looking at what he had done disgusted and shocked and confused as y/n put het shirt back on
"What about the bruises do i hit you?"
"Mind your business"
She started walking off and he grabbed her arm
"No fuck you and fuck your crypticness tell me who you are and why you know vecna"
He shoved her against the wall and looked down at her
"Whats your name i want answers"
"My names y/n"
He let her go
"Now why have you been here so long"
"Because i have"
He punched his fist next to her head
"STOP IT OKAY!.......just stop in a day i lost everything and everyone i knew and now i find out im a vampire i just need answers please"
He said weakly
"Yknow what forget it"
He walked into his room and shut the door she looked at his bandages in the bin and sighed.

An hour or so later eddie was playing guitar and there was a knock on his door
"What is it?"
She walked in holding food
He went back to playing and she put the food on his bedside table and looked at him he stopped and looked up at her
"What? Something else?"
"This has been alot for you ive been here most of my life and bearly ever seen anthor human so i dont know how to interact with them so if i seem harsh and cold I promise you im not trying to be i just dont know how not to be so ill give you your answers"
He nods
"Why cant i leave?"
"You were bought back by a creature from the upside down so you stay in the upside down"
"Thats bullshit"
"I said id give you answers i didnt say youd like them"
He nods and bit his thumb nail
"Why have you been here so long"
"Same thing kinda i dont rember much but I rember falling and waking up here and now i just stay never bothered trying to leave"
He nods
"How do you know vecna"
"He was here same time i was"
"Why cant you die"
"Same reason you heal so fast"
"You were bitten"
"No it was something else"
She looked away from him with a pained expression on her face
"You cant remember can you?"
She shook her head
"I just get flashes of it sometimes"
He stood up and hugged her
"What are you doing?"
"Have you never had a hug before?"
She shakes her head and he stroked her hair and hummed the song she sung in the attic softly
"You sounded really good in that attic yknow"

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