Eddie x modern y/n P3

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Eddie proudly walked around school that day in his crop top getting looks from everyone at lunch time when y/n saw him she smiled almost looking half impressed before being pulled away by chrissy to go practice there dance routine with the cheerleaders she turned on the music and stood at the front and started showing it to them the routine while the boys practice basketball ball on the other side of the gym (video is routine) out of nowhere eddie ran into the gym doing a front layout with 3 and a half twist and landing wobbly and falling on his butt y/n chuckled and gave him a hand up
"Eddie that was amazing you have to join"
Chrissy smiled and the rest of the team nodded im agreement and y/n just smirked looking at him
"I dont know if I could join mabey just for one performance"
They all smiled and cheered and y/n rolled her eyes and laughs
"Oh your a cheerleader now?"
"Well didnt you know i was multi talented"
They both chuckled as andy looked over and gripped the basketball harder
"Chill andy i have the perfect prank for him then shes all yours i garuntee"
He nods and went back to playing as eddie learned the routine

Half way threw practice Y/n had finished the routine and wanted to run over it a few more times she suddenly had a massive dizzy spell eddie was quick enough to notice and caught her before she would black out and stod her up
"Hey are you okay?"
He ushered her to the bleachers
"Im alright keep practicing"
She smiles a bit and they kept going andy jogged over
"Hey y/n something up?"
"Nothing shes fine"
Eddie said and held her arm
"I am fine just forgot breakfast"
She smiles softly
"Cmon ill give you a ride home"
"I cant i have tutoring tonight but thank you andy your the sweetest friend"
She kisses his forehead and ruffles his hair and eddie tried to hold in a laugh
"I was actually wondering mabey you could help me with my spanish its Muy grande"
She chuckled
"You just said its very big , Muy malo since your a guy but sure eddie you mind having one more round?"
She looked at him
"No not at all more the merrier"
He smiled and he ran back to basketball
"He's planning something"
"No shit but better he dose it infront of our faces than behind your back"
They both nod and eddie gave her his waterbottle and she drank from it and smiled
"Thanks now get back to practicing cheerleader"
She smiles and he ran down and joined the formation and kept dancing.

That night after school was done andy rode in his own car with y/n to eddies trailer when they walked in he looked around
"Damn what a....nice place"
Andy said looking around as eddie stood infront of his room stopping him from looking in
"Cmon we hear to study or not?"
She smiles and open up a spanish textbook and they sat on either side of her the night went on and andy had been getting more and more under eddies skin
"Okay so what dose the sentence me gusta la musica metalera mean eddie?"
"Um gusta like metalera gotta be metal i like metal music?"
"Yes perfect"
She smiles and they high fived
"Not that hard"
Andy yawned
"Okay then andy what dose me gusta jugar básquetbol mean?"
He rolled his eyes
"What dose me gusta y/n mean?"
He smirked and put his hand on her thigh she smiled and moved it off he leaned in close to her neck and whispered
"vamos a besar a un conejo sexy al sol"
"You just asked me to kiss a sexy rabbit in the sun"
Eddie laughs
"Im gonna go to the bathroom"
She stood up and walked into the bathroom closing the door and andy got up and so did eddie
"Back off man ive known her longer"
"And yet i still know here better"
And with that it started andy swung at eddie and he doged kicking him out of the door and tumbling on the lawn andy got up and punched him in the jaw before they started fighting on the lawn y/n came out of the bathroom just in time to see andy pull a flip knife and scathe eddies side just slightly cutting him
She yelled and looked shocked
"He started it i was only defending you"
She moved him into his car and slapped his wrist disarming his knife and put it to his throat
"I dont need help defending myself"
She put the knife in his lap and started walking back
"Well thats not whats chance said!"
He yelled and she stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him
"What the hell did you just say to me"
Her whole demenor had suddenly changed and andy gulped
"I-i-i- well chance is saying you made the first move and hes well my bro...and..."
She towered over him in the car and leaned down and whispered something so horrofying and detailed in his ear he physically wet himself she moved away and looked at him
"Now fuck off back home"
He nodded and raced out of there and she ran to eddie he put an arm around her and she helped him to his bed
"Take off your shirt and undo your jean button and zip ill be back in a second"
She walked out of the room and went in her bag and found her first aid kit and walked back into the rolm and saw him shirtless it wasnt the first time but jt was different somehow and the sight of his calvin klien waistband made her heart flutter  she sat at the side of his bed and started using antiseptic on it he gripped her free hand and she layed it on one of his pecs and started stitching up the wound
"Im sorry y/n"
"You know i hate fighting"
She covered it with a bandage
"Clean it once a day change the bandages"
She stood up and eddie pulled her down to the same position they were in yesterday his cold rings on her skin his hot breath so close she could feel it she looked into his eyes and he stared deep into hers
"Stop fighting them ill deal with them, being around me is only making your life worse"
She pulled away from his grasp and climbed upstairs and sat on the roof and put her head in her knees and closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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