Eddie x modern y/n

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For context this is the same people same place but in 2022 or some 21st year

Y/n walked down the corridor to her locker like she did every morning always came to school early in the morning for practice there wasnt room at her house to practice so she always came in early she grabbed her bag and changed into her dance clothes and went into the gym and hooked up her phone to the speakers and started practicing (play video)

She went over it for at least an hour before school started she was in her own world dancing distractions and life just faded around her she was the only one there in her own little world she couldn't even control it her body moved to the beat nothing was planned out it just controled her so much that she didnt notice a certain pair of eyes recording her while she practiced an alarm went off on her phone that woke her up from her dancing trance and she ran to the girls changing rooms and went into the showers to get the sweat off of her when she heard a few footsteps she instantly turned the shower off
She looked around confused
"Who the hell is there?"
Suddenly there was a loud yell and chance flew into one of the lockers and his phone was smashed against the wall and a pair of hands grabbed him and shoved him against it
"What the fuck is your problem!"
The man drapped in leather apprel yelled
"Get the hell out"
He let him go and he scurried off y/n stood thete shocked he wiped a bloody nose away and turned around and quickly turned the other way and handed her a towel
"Um your not clothed"
"No cause i was taking a damn shower"
"Yea i know and he knew that"
She wrapped the towel around herself and looked at him
"What the hell is going on"
"Lets talk about this when your not naked"
He walked out of the changing room and she looked over to the dent in the locker
"What the hell"

After she was dressed the corridors werw full of people school had started and chrissy waved her over she smiles and walks over putting her stuff in her locked
"Hey missed you this morning outside"
"Sorry rushed in to finish my math homework i swear miss jenkins wants to fail me"
They all laughed as the bell went again she saw the man in the leather jacket
"Sorry be back in a sec"
She tried wading herself threw a sea of people but lost him she sighed and went to her next class but her mind was consumed with the thoughts of that guy who was he? Why was he there? And what the fuck was going on? And did he see me naked? Was the most important one
Her teacher yelled
She yelled back and suddenly covered her mouth
"Sorry i meant yes?"
"Can you answer the question i just asked"
She looked at the chalkboard
"Um conjunction is in the wrong place"
"Yes but i asked you......"
And it all mushed into a boring lesson from there then lunch came and she sat with her friends and started writing something down in her book
"Jesus y/n your always in that book of yours"
Jason exclaimed and they all looked at her
She looked at him
"None just wanna know when we can read it"
He tried to reach over and she leaned back
"When its finished"
"Which will be never"
Chrissy joked and she smiled and turned around hearing someone yell about laundry baskets and saw the man in leather again and stood up grabbing her book once he was done with his speach abd jumped off the table and yelled to one girl
y/n stood at the end of the table with her arms crossed and looked at him he smiled
"Hello y/n come to sit with us"
"I came for answers"
He hissed
"Im afraid im not very good at maths"
He smiled as she grabbed his shirt and pulled him away and tried to keep eating when the tray clattered on the floor
"Oooh date"
She pulled him into an empty classroom and shut the door
"What happened and why where you two in the changing rooms!"
"Cant i get a please?"
She slapped him across the face
He held his cheek
"Jesus H christ woman your strong"
She cocked her eyebrow
"Speak freak"
He sighed
"Promise you wont go and cause a scene"
"I aint promising shit"
"Okay well i came in early cause its quiet and ive seen you practice a few times but thought there was no point in bothering you so i didn't but i saw chance from the basketball team snooping around and taking videos i was gonna leave it then i saw him follow you into the changing rooms and starts taking pictures so i beat him up"
Y/n crumpled up her fist
"He did what?"
"Y/n dont"
"Im not gonna yet"
She walked out and eddie jumped off the desk
"Then what are you doing?"
"Getting in touch with a friend"
She walked off ans eddie sighed walking back to the lunch hall all eyes where on him as he sat back down mike leaned in
"What did y/n l/n want with a mortal like you?"
He whispered
"Shes human who could resist me girls love the tats"
He smirked and kept eating and looked up to see chance across the lunch all and looked disgusted as the bell went and he went to math class where he sat behind y/n and chance sat at her side
"Y/n can you open the window please"
'Miss jenkins asked
She stood up and reached over to the window and went on her tip toes to open it up chance looked over and started messing with his fly and eddie stood behind her as she pushed it open
"What the fuck are you doing"
She looked at him
"Word to the wise wear shorts under that skirt when your near him"
She turned and looked chance she curled up her fist
"Keep calm"
He whispered
"Miss y/n mr munson something youd like to share with the class"
They both sat back down
"No miss jenkins"
She walked around handing out test papers y/n picked up hers and looked
"73 thats impossible"
She looked over her test
"Youve marked my number 18 wrong when sam got the same answer as me what the hell"
She yelled
"Miss l/n escort. Yourself to the princeple office"
"Fine ill use this little thing called google to show him my answers are right"
She grabbed her bag and walked out slamming the door eddie smirked and looked over at chance who cowered away at his glare.

End of the day came and the hellfire club had just finished and nancy was talking to y/n in the hall way as well as the rest of the cheer squad when they all broke up eddie walked to y/n
"I want in"
"In on what?"
"Whatever your plan is"
He smirked
"Fine you can be our bait"
She shoved him into the changing room and nodded at nancy she came in. And hid as all of them got dressed eddie was hidden in the shower when chance hadnt learned his lesson and he walked in touching himself he reached to touch eddie when nancy flash went off and eddie elbowed him in the eye and he fell to the floor
Y/n yelled and all the girls dog pilled on chance to beat the ever loving shit out of him when he crawled to the door and the basketball team saw him the girls pulled him back and kept beating him up to a pulp they all smiled and high fived each other
"Alright high fives all around"
Eddie high fived them all and waited for y/n and she high fived him and smiles
"Nice ass by the way"
She chuckled and all the cheerleaders did and y/n through a towel at him he smiled and got dressed all the girls came out with eddie carrying y/n on his shoulders the basketballers all looked at him with death stares and put her down and ran off as they where about to run after him
"Wait wait he helped us chance was the problem he saved me this morning thats why i talked to him at lunch"
She looked up at jason
"Please just chill"
"The second hes out of line"
"Ill tell you I promise"
They all nodded and backed away as he ran off and away.

The next morning y/n came in early as usual to do her dance thing half way threw her rehearsal there was a knock on the door she looked over and saw eddie and he walked in she turned her music down and squirted water into her mouth
He walked towards her
"How are you after last nights events"
"And why do you care"
He walked around circling her and she smirked and crossed her arms
"Mabey ive taken an intrest in the life of the princess of hawkins"
He smiled she poked his chest and he dramatically fell to the floor and she went to her bag and handed him a paper bag
"Didnt you know im the schools drug dealer"
"Shut up and open it freak"
He smiled and opened it up
"Dose that replace all the food that was knocked of yesterday"
He smelled it and moaned loudly
He yelled and went to eat a bite and she stopped him
"For lunch"
"Oh but im hungry nowww"
He whined
"Then tomm ill bring breakfast is that better?"
"If it smells as good as this youve got yourself a deal accept whats in it for you? What do you want princess my dirty drugs?"
He whispered in her ear feeling the hot breath down her spin sent chills all over her body
"Just help me study in math that teacher cant hate me if everything i do is perfect"
"You pressure yourself alot dont you?"
He asked in a comforting voice it was quieter and more gentle than his usual tone
"I dont do what i cant handle"
She turned and looked at him he nodded not wanting to ask anymore
"Then we have a deal?"
He spat in his hand and put it out she smirked and spat in hers and shook his hand


Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now