Eddie x Upside y/n P3

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The two of them had finally gottwn use to living together now and eddie was wrapping his head around the whole cass situation y/n had just come home from one of her visits to the house and in the corner on the trailer she saw eddie curled up and digging his nails into his arms
"Eddie are you okay?"
She put the food down and walked to him
He yelled and she pulled away from touching him
"Tell me what happened"
She crouched down to him and he was shaking
"Nothing i was just playing my guitar when my eyes went red and i started getting hungry"
He turned to her and showed his fangs and his bloodshot eyes she sighed and rolled up her sleeve
"Drink up my blood rapidly regenerate anyway"
He slowly sunk his teeth peircing her skin she squirmed a bit as he started sucking blood and as he did he got less and less frantic and shaky he finally pulled away after a good minuet and wiped his mouth and looked at her
"I-i-im so sorry"
"Hey its okay i dont do anything more than i can manage"
She smiles and he smiled back and suddenly there was a loud crash on the earth that shook the whole upside down eddie protectivly wrapped his arms around y/n to protect her when the shaking stopped they both looked up and around going outside and seeing a tear infront of the trailer
"What is it?"
"I have no clue the last time i saw something like this is when i first fell"
She peered in
"Im gonna jump"
"We dont know whats in there"
Eddie held her arm
"I have been stuck here for years anywhere is better than here if you stop me youll only be removed"
She pulled her arm away and looked into the portal eddie held her hand and looked at her
"Wait let me get something"
She nodded and he ran into the trailer and got chrissys bodybag
"Mabey if we bring it back she will come back"
"Cant hurt to try"
They both nodded and stood over the hole
"On 3"
She jumped in pulling him with her and suddenly landed hard on some tarmac outside of eddies trailer in the real world
They both rubbed there heads and dustin opened the trailer door
"Eddie? EDDIE!"
He yelled and ran out into the street hugging him and he hugged back smiling and the rest of the group all came out hugging him tight y/n smiled at the sight of them all and backed away and looked at chrissys bag and her body was heating up rapidly and turning red
"Um eddie!"
She yelled and he ran over looking at her
"Is shw going to..."
El yelled at the same time as y/n as they both used there powers to lift her up into the air and explode turning to dust y/n turned and looked at the girl el did as well and they all looked confused
"Whose your new friend?"
Y/n got a nosebleed and her legs suddenly failed lack of blood and high energy use and was about to hit the floor when eddie super speed ran over and caught her in time and put her over his shoulder
"We have alot to talk about"

The next thing she knew y/n heard muffled voices and blurry people arguing she rubbed her eyes and the noise and sight got clearer
"What do you mean and what are those marks on her!"
Nancy yelled and put the tape she used to wrap her arms down
"Its hard to explain"
"You know whats easy to explain about you dying and then coming back to life with some hottie"
Steve yelled and y/n sat up eddie came over and dabbed her forehead
"Hey are you okay?"
"Where are we?"
She whispered
"With friends dont worry"
He held her hand And she sat up holding her head and they all looked at her
She stood up a bit shaky and everyone put there arms out as eddie steadied her
"Go easy"
She nods as he kept her up
"I'll answer your dumb questions"
She looked at them all
"Why do you have els powers?"
Mike asked
She turned around and saw the girl wirh the buzzcut rolling up her sleeve showing her tattoo
She scowled and put her fist in a ball
"You almost killed me and so did one"
"Wait you were at the lab"
Mike looked at her
"Since i was born in that lab all you fucking numbers did was try there powers on me days after days afyer days of BREAKING MY MIND AND BEATING ME HALF DEAD!"
She had tears in her eyes while faced with the girl
"And then you just had to open up that portal in the wall to my room didnt you i remember now"
Eddie walked to her
"Your memories back"
"Most of it, peter would come to me everyday talking to me calming me healing me then you opened up a portal and i was sucked in!"
El screams
"They all deserve it and so do you"
She shoved el and eddie and steve held her back pulling her away from her Ans she escaped borh of there grips And she wiped her tears away
"You condemnd me to have no life i was trapped in there all my life you like friends surrounding you well you got that chance i didnt and its all because of you"
She walked out of the backdoor and sat on the porch corner trying to wipe her tears away
"Fuck i hate these things"
"You mean tears?"
Eddie walked out to her
"Keep your distance im not in the mood"
She pushed her hair back and took deep breaths
"Emotions are what make us human"
"Ew human"
He chuckled and sat a distance away
"I wish i was still human"
"Then you would be dead"
She turned to him with her head on her knees
"I mean i cant have human stuff now like living my life to the fullest cause i know it will end soon now i have eternity"
He sighed
"Well your friend are glad your back"
"Yea yeah they are arent they"
He chuckled and smiled
"They can be your friends as well yknow"
"Im good i dont need friends"
"Then what am i"
She turned to him
"A leech"
They both laughed looking at each other
"Fair enough but please only you understand this situation we need your help"
He stoos up and offered her a hand she sighed and took his hand and pulled him into a pile of leaves and landed ontop of him
"Oh you think your strong"
He chuckled and lifted her up and spun her around and she jumped off his back and threw leaves at him and ran inside and he tackled her on the floor and looked up at the others and stood up
"Okay in short your friends a vampire when el was in yhe lab i was used as a labrat for all there powers since it happened everyday there was some residue left in my system giving me powers being in the upside down boosted whatever abilities i had"
They all looked shocked and confused
"What do you mean eddies a vampire?"
Mike hit dustin shoulder as if he just realised something
Nancy asked confused
"The vampire right hand man of vecna who betrayed him and killed him"
Eddie looked at them shocked
"Im kas"
"The betrayal mustve been leaving vecnas side"
"The upside down"
Dustin looked shocked and eddies eyes suddenly turned bloodshot
"Shit everyone back up"
Y/n yelled and went to eddie
"Dont your already low"
"I told you my blood regenerates quickly"
He looked at her and lifts up her wrist and sucked her blood the puncture always hurt but she didn't mind the pinch of it and she slowly stroked eddies hair to calm down his bloodlust a few seconds later he pulled away and she rewrapped her wrist
"How we doing?"
He nodded and looked to his friends who all looked confused and worried she rolled down her sleeve
"I guess we have alot of explaining to do"
They all nods

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