Chapter 4

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"Sorry grandma,I believe a horrible part of the book made me sneeze".said Kiley

Grandma:It's fine,now back to the question.

Kiley :What I remember is that, most part of the book was about how grandpa changes his past and not paralyze his generation to come.I recall pictures of you and him telling the nation of his past.And how he conquered his fights with the Russians because of his evil doings.

Grandma:Of course,you indeed recall most part of it.But there is a very spicy one which I know you will take it as a lesson.

Kiley:Which part,I seem not to understand

Grandma:How will you know when I'm just about to reveal the mystery?

Kiley:Mystery of grandpa?

Grandma:He was not only a legend but a "Cheetah"

Kiley:Cheetah?This is getting interesting coz my history teacher announced it in class.

Grandma:I thought knowingly,and thats why I,wife of John Underwood Jacobs is a revealer today.

Kiley:How did you know?

Grandma:Thats a question to answer by the days going by.

Kiley:Ok,grandma pls reveal everything.

Grandma:Kiley,before I start,take this picture.That's your grandfather.
Grandma handed over the picture to Kiley.Kiley was surprised

"This is grandpa,he was such a handsome."
Grandma:Indeed,a very noble hardworking man ,the time we married.He was an accountant in one of the institutions in this country.Even though his past brought pain in my heart ,I still married him because I knew he's going to do wondrous things.We lived at Central park and later moved to St.Finns Bungalows where we spent 5years together.Your grandfather was not that known.But the  people he hurt never forgot him.They knew he had changed for the better but evil were in their hearts.We heard so many rumors as we lived there.Sometimes I could cry and say to myself "Can't the past be gone forever".I would lie down on my bed and just think deeply.Whenever he saw me ,he encouraged me not to worry but believe in him.I always asked him"believe in what".He kept on saying my past can't paralyze my future when I'm still alive.

Kiley:Go on grandma ,its unveiling

Gina Liz laughed and said"The horrible and exciting parts unveil"

Grandma:6years later when we were living at St.Finns,I became pregnant and gave birth to Clara ,your mom's elder sister.Your grandfather's mom hated me because she knew I'll never give birth.But when I finally gave birth she praised me on my feet in the hospital.Your grandfather was so excited,because of that he bought an expensive clock to be put in my room.Thank God,I still have that clock.That's why I always remember memories I and your grandfather had.He was so lovely and that was a great love which kept our union standing.A year later,I gave birth to Gina.

Kiley:Wow,I wish I could embrace grandpa.He was a good man isn't it?

Grandma:Yes.As the years passed by,the people he hurt decided to turn against him. I was at home one sunny afternoon ,when I heard a loud knock from our door.I was feeding Gina's younger brother ,Louis .I quickly fed him and went to the door.I unlocked the padlock and opened it.I saw 2 men in suits and they asked me if I was his wife.I told them yes and they asked if they could sit in.I rejected their offer because I didn't know them.They then asked if my husband was home.I said no,he's gone to work.They asked me where he worked.I told them,I couldn't tell them unless they identified themselves and tell why they are looking for him.They told me my husband owes alot of things and has to pay for the consequences.I told them,it was in the past.They told me he still needed to pay for his evil acts.I told them,he's a changed man,a good man now and has moved on.They couldn't stand all the talks I gave to them.They then gave me an envelope to hand over to him when he arrives.I told them that I'll give it to him but they should identify themselves.The man on my left said his name was Clark and on my right Gerald.They told me to tell him,he'll be dead if he doesn't fix the past injuries on many lives.I was shocked and worried.I thought deeply of what the two men said.When he arrived I gave him the envelope but he told me that I should stay strong and not be afraid because everything is well.I was so encouraged by his words and I suddenly gave him a warm hug.

Kiley: Woww,that's a refreshing one,isn't it?I'm so happy for grandpa.Emmmm,can you please tell me all that grandpa did in the past?
Grandpa laughed softly and replied to her question.

Grandma:Evil acts.He was 14 years old when his father died.When his father died,his mom gave up on him because she had no money to take care of him and his siblings.In order to get money,he had 3 friends,Will,Damian and Robert who influenced him into theft.These friends stole from markets and busy places in town to get money.He thought it was a good idea so he joined.He really wanted to go to school with his siblings.So he had to do this in order to take care of them.He was the eldest among his siblings.His mom always complained about how his father would do everything possible to earn for the family.That pushed him to start these evil acts.When he was 17 years,he and his friends decided to take their theft to the next level.They planned to rob ministers and highly respected people in the society.This continued daily until a half moon night striked.That day was planned to rob the highest in authority,the "President".It was such a burdensome job to do.It was a master minded plan.They striked his home by midnight,when everyone was asleep.In their theft ,they got so many things but before they could finish their theft for the night,one of the servants walked in.They shot her and that made much sounds which alarmed the security and the whole household.Trying to escape, his three friends were shot.He was the only surviving escape.There was a random search for him but he hid.He continued robbing with the gangster friends he had known on which his three friends introduced him to.His mum saw his actions as good because at least there is food on the table and money to cater for his siblings.He really did a lot of acts till he was 25.He was prosecuted at the court but he was given a chance to live by the court judge.People wanted him dead because of the lives he wasted and the evil acts of his hands.He learnt a lesson and decided never to go back to those doings.Two years later he met me and that's how he changed for the better.

Kiley:Exaggerating!Wow grandpa was a legend thief but praise God he wasn't killed.

Grandma:Yes,now  I advice you as my granddaughter Kiley ,your grandpa changed his past to a better one and was brave to defend himself at all occasions of his acts.He had reasons for all he did.Even though he died early,I still believe he wants what he did to be a legacy for his grandchildren.Be bold,forget about what people may say or do.You can change what they're   thinking and face them.You are special and that's why you are here today.Don't let the past paralyze your future but rather let your past make your present a learnable one and future a bright one for what lies ahead.

Kiley:Thank you grandma,I'll work on it like grandpa.

Grandma:I believe you will.He was called "cheetah" because when he became better he defended himself and stood strong.That's how the name came about.

Kiley:Grandpa, a legend ,a cheetah and defender.

Grandma:I know you've read his book ,pls apply and it will help you.I requested for the book just to keep it safe from strangers who'll like to dive into our family.

Kiley:Yes, I'll do so.

Grandma:Well done. As the weeks go by things will be unveiling to you about how to decide on certain things around you,especially in school.

Kiley:OK grandma,thank you so much.

Grandma:Lemme grab your strawberry ice cream from the freezer.

Kiley:Aw www grandma you're the best.

Kiley arose and hugged her grandma with blessedness.It was a relieving moment for the both of them.Gina Liz joined and it was like a coalition of three clouds to form a circular love.

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