Chapter 2

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Kiley arose from her bed and yawned like a cat when her alarm rang.She wiped her eyes with her blue cloth which was filled with white stains.She wondered how this new blue cloth from Aunt Mae's shop could be stained so quickly.She looked up on the ceiling and saw white paint from a hole leaking unto her bed.Her mind clicked ,she ran to the bathroom and saw her face filled with white paint over her eyebrows,upper lip,nose and forehead.Then she shouted and said "No! not my pretty face,It's a school day".She tried rinsing her face with high scented soap and water.In few minutes the white paint was wiped off.
Gina Liz entered the bathroom with her bare toes and looked at Kiley like she was a zombie.

Kiley :"Mum I have questions to ask you"

Gina Liz :Kiley you have to make it to school on time, after school you can ask me whatever.

Kiley:No Mum,I read grandpa's book when we went on a vacation to grandma's house.I really couldn't sleep afterwards that and something weird happened.

Gina Liz:You took his book?You must have asked grandma,those books means a lot to him and her.

Kiley:Sorry mum,but grandma told me a lot of grandpa and I wanted to get one of his books and read.She refused but I was curious to read.

Gina Liz:Well,we have to return it immediately cos grandpa was a very powerful man.If I tell you all the things he has done,we will be afraid together. Dress up,it's a big day

Kiley:Really? OK after school

Gina Liz: Yes girl,hurry I dropped your new sneakers on your bed.

Kiley:Thanks mom.

As Gina Liz left Kiley's  room,she heard a notification from her phone.She walked along Kiley's un arranged clothes and picked up the phone.The message was from Nagela James stating that "Kiley!Hurry we have a presentation by 8:30am we gotta do a short discussion before this presentation.We waiting for you"
Shortly,Kiley came in to meet her mum with her phone.

Kiley said"Mum,what's the message".

Gina Liz:By Nagela,saying of a presentation at 8:30 she says you should pretty come quickly cos you'll be having discussion.

Kiley:Jeez! Jeez! Our chemistry presentation,mum what's the time?

Gina Liz: 7:41

Kiley:Mum,pls excuse so I can do things quickly.I don't wanna miss this presentation it enquires alot.

Gina Liz: Sure ,then you gotta use your bicycle coz I got a meeting to attend to .

Kiley:OK mum

As Gina exited the room,Kiley dressed up and  was set to go.It was 8.Jimmy,Ben,Nagela and Maya were busily waiting.Kiley arrived.

Kiley:Good morning guys,sorry I'm little late,can we proceed?

Jimmy: Welcome,Ki.

Maya:Yeah so we gotta do this meeting fast.Hope you all have learnt your paragraph coz Yvonne's group has been posting victory on her group already.

Ben:Oh yh,I'm loaded.

Nagela:Paid fully,Kiley?

Kiley:Yh I'm really packed for today,even though I read an ancient book last night.

Maya:Which book,I'll love to read.You know me girl

Kiley:Actually for my late grandfather,my mum told me to return it cos he was a very powerful man.

Maya: Really? Tell me content of the book

Kiley: It's horrifying.can we pls concentrate on the discussion?

Ben laughs saying"Maya the reader"

Maya:Hey Ben stop that.
They all laugh together at Maya and say "Someone cannot play with you"

Nagela:So pls can we take a selfie so I post on IG.
They all say"Sure,why not"
Nagela pulls out her phone from her DG bag.She raises the phone and says cheeseeee. They all say cheese.

Ben:Thumbs up.We can do this.
what's our anthem?

They all sing
We never mind,we never care,we scam
and say "let them say" coz no one's ever gonna mind them
If they chop nonsense behind us,they will fall like steak .......

Kiley:It's 8:30 let's go

They enter the class and see Sir.Willy writing boldly "CHEMISTRY".
He says Jimmy,Ben,Maya,Nagela ,Kiley you're up today.Hope you guys are well-prepared?

They respond "Yes sir"

They line up in a boy-girl manner. Maya takes the lead saying
:Good morning Sir.Willy,Ladies and Gentlemen and prestigious chemists.I am Maya Carta.The vice president for this team noblely called " Just Be my nation's Kingsman" originated from my co members  Jimmy,Ben ,Maya,Nagela and Kiley.
We are going to talk about Chemical Bonding. ........

After the presentation,Sir. Willy stood with joy and said "Good work done my noble chemists.This is really a good initiative I've heard this good morning.I'm really delighted by the explanations given and the examples.Keep it up.As a team,I acknowledge the fact you all sat down to discuss and research about Chemical Bonding.This topic includes a lot,I'm glad you were all able to sail through with confidence and understand it. Out of 10,I will give you 9 over 10"
Their fellow colleagues applauded them and gave them the maximum amount of appreciation needed.Jimmy,Ben,Maya,Nagela and Kiley were excited of their achievement.Sir.Willy awarded each one of them with a book written by David Jones,titled "A chemist's greatest research".

Sir.Willy continued the mornings class with a new topic in Chemistry.The topic was quite interesting with a lot of videos which were displayed from the projector.He explained each video and gave each student an assignment to research for more understanding.Lately 2 hours later,Chemistry was over, it was time for History.Though the History teacher could be strict at times,he never missed to come to class late whenever he has a lesson.He could enter the class with an angry face or a fake smiling face most of the time.The teaser boys in the class used to call him "Mister ASF" which meant Mister Angry Smiling Face.This time around ,it was so unfamiliar to see the History teacher so happy.Kiley whispered to Lisa,(her next chair mate )saying "why the sudden change"?
Lisa whispered back "Don't know,but it's gonna be interesting today".
They both smiled and set back their eyes on their happy History teacher.

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