chapter three: the chauffeur

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September, 1985
Hawkins, Indiana


After the awkward standoff at lunch, Jason had been fuming for the rest of the day.

"Who the hell does he think he is? Talking to my girlfriend."

Ivy tried to hide her amusement from it, knowing Eddie was probably just about the last person in this school she needed any kind of protection from. But it was sweet that he cared enough to be so bothered by it. Eddie had some similar outbursts at his own table.

"What the hell are you doing talking to Ivy Harrington?" Gareth asked the second Eddie sat down.

"Can a guy just talk to someone without everyone getting upset?"

"Not when that girl is a hot cheerleader and a Harrington."

Eddie always hate titles, and this was just another example. They got passed around so fast it was like someone had already been assumed without even having a chance.

Dustin spoke up, "Ivy's nice. She's not so bad."

"Thank you Henderson." Eddie smiles and pointed at Dustin.

"Why she was talking to you, though...that's a bit weird." Eddie's smile dropped as his table laughed.

Thankfully, there were no more fights and no more gossip that Ivy heard of by the time the school day ended. Before she could even walk out of the building and to the parking lot where Steve was, though, she was bombarded by two teenage boys.

"IVY!" Dustin Henderson was yelling at the top of his lungs.

By the time Mike and Dustin reached her, they had their hands on their knees and were out of breath, panting. They looked like they'd just run laps around the whole school.

"You guys okay?"

"Need-" Dustin gasped in between breaths, "a sub for tonight. For Hellfire."

Ivy rolled her eyes, "No, thanks. I think I'm good. I can give you guys a ride though."

"We need one more! Lucas has his stupid football practice that he apparently can't skip." Mike said.

"First of all, he can't skip it, so cut him some slack," Ivy told them, "and second, doesn't his younger sister play?"

The pair looked at each other with wide eyes, as if only just now having this revelation. Without another word to each other, they took off towards the middle school. Dustin turned around as he was running, "Pick us up at six!"


Ivy had been in arguably the best after school sleep of her life when it was rudely interrupted by a harsh knocking at the door. It was one of those naps you woke up sweating from and wearing whatever you wore that day. She didn't sleep well often, so when she did and it was cut short, it pissed her off.

The knocking came again, eliciting an annoyed "what?" from Ivy.

Steve's voice carried through the door, "You've got some dorks outside waiting for you."

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