20 • again

45 6 0

playlist: Serendipity - BTS
word count: 804

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Dahyun's POV

i dont know what to feel..

happy? sad? excited? annoyed?

happy and excited , cause he's back?
sad and annoyed, remembering that he left?

why is he even back? not that i dont want it, its just.. i dont know, i just get this nostalgic memories when i saw him..

why am i not crying? am i really over him?

after 2 years not seeing you, have we gone apart?

he looks different,
no actually he looks exactly the same..

same old Jimin..

i miss seeing him everyday, i miss having him around.

i miss being loved, i miss loving him.

will he be staying here forever or will he go back and leave again?

will i even have a chance, even if he's back for good now?

do i want him back?

i was cut off my thoughts when Chaeyoung, who's sitting beside me, nudged my arm. i turned my gaze from the boys to Chaeyoung.

Dahyun: i dont know Chae..

i whispered to her.

Tzuyu: not that i hate them but why did they even come back..

Tzuyu whispered from beside me. i just sighed not knowing what to do.

until Jiyu unnie came running towards me, bending down a bit to give me a hug from the back.

Jiyu: im really sorry i didnt tell you, they wanted to come last minute and i couldn't stop them, im so sorry Da..

Jiyu unnie whispered in my ears while still giving me a back hug.

she kissed my cheek and went to the other side of the table, sitting down.

now days, its normal for us to kiss each others cheeks. we've gotten use to is after 2 years getting close to each other.

in this 2 years, even when she talks about Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.. i dont really feel the need to be sad. she spilled everything about how those 3 were at class.. how the teachers would shout at them, how many times they skipped classes, how many messes they made at the cafeteria, how many fights they joined behind the school.

they dont fight a lot, but when they did, Jiyu unnie said that it wouldn't end well.

i knew they were trouble makers but i didnt know that they've fought behind the school. like literal boxing..

Narrator's POV

Jungkook: uhmm.. sorry to disturb you girls, we didnt know that.. yeah we'll just go home sorry.

Jungkook said and turned back.

Chaeyoung: why are you leaving? you just got here.
Jungkook: you know how..

Jungkook pointed one finger at Jimin and another finger at Dahyun,

Jungkook: it may be uncomfortable so we can just leave and you know, not disturb your girls night.
Taehyung: uh yeah

there was an awkward silent for a while before,

Dahyun: im fine..

Dahyun said quietly but they still could hear her.

her head was down low, hands fidgeting her straw.

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Dahyun's POV

Jiyu: you sure Da? they can leave with my car if you are comfortable.

Jiyu unnie whispered nearing me.

i just nodded, i dont know.. i dont know why.

i know this will be very awkward for us.. i wont be fine knowing you are near me after 2 years apart.

then why did i say i was fine?

did i just feel bad, knowing they just arrived and straight away going back home?

or do i just want to see you a little longer?

maybe the stare i gave you wasn't enough just now?

maybe i want to see you a little longer cause what if you suddenly slip away again?

give me some time to see you again..
give me some time to talk to you again..
give me some time to hear you again..
give me some time to touch you again..
to love you again..

do i want you back? i dont know

but what i know is that i do still love you..

havent moved on from you, you were my first in everything about love.

my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first date, and my first heartbreak.

what if you aren't my final spouse? guess we wouldnt be there then.

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