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The hospital was quiet now, it already being dark outside. The TV was on, it was playing the news, but Mike didn't watch. He just stared at the floor.

Andy was sat next to him, Jo next to Andy, and Mike absolutely hated this. He'd tried to go into River's room many times already throughout the day but they wouldn't let him.

River wasn't hurt bad, she really wasn't. She could walk, do many things, but in that moment she felt absolutely terrible. Her wrists stung so badly she thought they'd fall right off, and the blood that came from them at one point became thick, and dark.

Though as the day went by, it slowly began to go away. To be specific 4 hours after. Her wrists would still ache, but it was nothing compared to how she felt.

When River's wrists were bleeding out, her vision kind of flashed. She had seen so many things she couldn't make out, the flashes varying from the colors red and black until Mike had ran up to her, placing his hand gently on her cheek as he panicked. That's when it stopped.

To think of what happened made her head hurt, because she was so confused with everything, it was too much.

"She'll be fine, right?" Mike had heard the whisper Andy gave to Jo, who sent him an assuring smile as she nodded.

Of course River would, but what did this even mean for her in the long run?

Mike was just as confused as she was because she had told him they were just cool scars, and for some reason he believed her.

Leaning back in his seat, Mike had glanced to the vending machine, and he stared at it. He thought of how much money he'd pay to go back to that moment, not that day, the moment. Him sharing a bag of M&M's with River, and her being okay.

Better than she was now.

Since they had made it to the hospital, it's been around 5 hours. The time was 7:19 P.M, and it felt like it was about time Mike could try to go in again.

He huffed, standing up while Jo and Andy watched. "I'd like to visit room 204." Mike stated, as if he hasn't said this same exact thing to the nurse multiple times already.

"Alright, name and Relation to patient?" It was the first time in this day Mike has made it past saying he'd like to visit River without being sent back, so he perked up.

"Mike Wheeler, boyfriend." His hands slightly shook as he waited for his pass, and the okay to go visit River, but as the nurse slowly looked up to him he let out a sigh.

"Family members only, as of now."

Pursing his lips, he looked back to Jo and Andy who stared at him in anticipation, hoping he could get in. Andy had gestured to his ring finger causing Mike to swiftly turn back around, sending an awkward smile, "Well, her and I are kinda engaged so.."

He shrugged, looking up as he did so and shook his head. "Worried fiancé things, you know."

With a roll of her eyes, the nurse found herself pushing the sticker onto Mike's chest, shaking her head before she spoke up. "Just go." The look on her face was massively unimpressed, but Mike's had lit up.

He sent a thumbs up to both Jo and Andy before making his way to the elevator, and he walked as quick as he could.

Making it to River's room was easy. It was easy to find, and get to. The hard part was opening the door, because really he didn't know what to say. The last full conversation they had was just yelling at each other, arguing.

 𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬, 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐫. ►Where stories live. Discover now