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I had a very stupid idea. I have a bunch of smut prompts on a spin wheel and I thought "what if i make a writing challenge out of this?" and so i did!

afaik, there are 40-ish slices on this wheel. So that's how many chapters this will have.

If I add more, then there will be more! feel free to recommend more!

also tbh i feel as tho wattpad is a bit too, cómo digo esto bien, immature for this story (especially some of the prompts I've got on here. both kinkmas 2020 AND 2021 got taken down, as well as my starker kinktober thing from forever ago bc some 12yo with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex decided to report them instead of, idk, not fucking reading them? like listen here you little shit, complain all you want but it ain't gonna stop me from writing my shit. debería haber sido tragado.) so don't be surprised if this ends up moving to ao3.

this is also multi fandom. like, if i remember correctly, the fandoms are loz, mcu, and cars but there's also one prompt that includes my oc (which i made exclusively to draw porn of. we all have one of those, it's normal) the prompt and wc will be in the title so you can go 'wtf sidlink bondage and breath play i don't wanna read that shit!' you can simply...skip it. you know, read what you enjoy, skip what you don't.

This is explicit, it's 18+.

I'll put trigger warnings for triggering shit but other than that, you know what you're getting into. made it inherently obvious.

i think that's pretty much it as far as that goes?

so, anyway, yeah.

enjoy ig.

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