𝐵𝓊𝓇𝓃𝓉 𝓈𝓊𝑔𝒶𝓇

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Adam rubbed soft - feathery circles on your stomach, his rough calloused hands seemed to be accompanied by the softest touch. Humming slowly, his hot breath tickled your ear, your face now burning. Your body felt so heavy yet the feeling of Adam in your arms had your head feeling lighter than air. You opened your mouth yet nothing came out, what were you even going to say? It didn't really matter. 

Nothing could be heard in the quiet little bedroom except for the faint melodies being strung out by the birds not too far by. It felt lazy to be in bed on a Saturday, Adams limbs entangled with yours, it was a breezy summer day, the window left open allowed the sweet whisper of wind to flow through. Adam takes note of your silence, shifting away from you. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asks, his eyebrows scrunched up cutely as he tended to do when he was worried. You retreated back into his warmth burying your face in his chest.

"No" he let out a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around you once more. You stay silent for a few moments basking in the blissful state of the current moment, before breaking the silence. "Can - can you do that again?" you stutter "Do what?" you can feel him smiling against your forehead. You shift for a second before sliding your hand under his t-shirt, against his lower abs. You draw small shapes against his bare skin, before getting the confidence to rub his stomach as he had to you. "That..." you whisper meekly. 

"S/o..." his tone made the butterflies in your stomach flutter faster. He suddenly gripped your hand, you let a small yelp escape your lips at the sudden action. "No! Its - its just that I don't wanna, fuck, its just I want you to touch me just no down there" your eyes widen as you try to stifle a laugh. "Stop laughing" he sneered, moving to get up from the bed. He moved, pinning your arms above your head. "Stop" your laughter died down as you let out the last couple of breathy giggles "Ok ok, I'll stop" he sighed, releasing your arms from his grasp. "Come lay next to me" you whispered, patting the spot beside you once occupied by his warmth. His body crumpled back into putty in your hands as he laid his head down on your chest. "I'll stay for just a little longer" he whispered, closing his tired eyes. 

A/n: This is Adam x reader by the way

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A/n: This is Adam x reader by the way

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