𝓖𝓪𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓵 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼

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The morning breeze whispered faintly against your face, your legs dangling over the side of your wooden patio. The fresh air spilled into your lungs, as your drowsy eyes watched the sunset, as the golden morning light spilled out over the land, chasing the shadows away and filling the once dark land with morning glory. Your lips creased into a small smile. The sunset seemed to be one thing that remained framillar in your ever-changing life. The recent reports of demonic entities seemed like something out of a horror novel, but that wasn't exactly what you were referring to. You had encountered something otherworldly yourself, an angel, who called himself Gabriel. 

Yes this discovery was absolutely terrifying the first time but he proclaimed himself a man of God's word, he had come to protect you. As flattering as that was, the self-proclaimed guardian had yet to do anything more than lurk around your house watching you complete your everyday tasks, occusainly asking if you require assistance. At first the company of another person to talk to you throughout the day was kind of pleasant, since you lived out in a more open area, on the other side of town. Keeping to your side had become the only activity he seemed to fill his day with, even though he didn't speak to you much, he just loomed from behind you.

 But the times he did speak were quite pleasant, you found yourself savoring any conversation you had with him, every word he said dripped from his mouth like sweet honey, with his deep and ethereal tone. You shook your head, no, you couldn't be thinking these things about Gabriel, besides this was around the time he would get up to greet you, with his usual precision, his dexterity and elegance never faltering in your presence. Slipping through the glass door after watching the sun rise before heading back inside to find the arch angel waiting for you. Wearing his usual expression of faint, unburdened, focus. You sighed, stretching your stiff joints before walking over to the sliding glass door to find Gabriel in his usual, statue-like position ready to greet you, the ghost of a smile he usually wore had been replaced by a small frown.

 None of Gabriel's expressions seemed to ever stretch beyond something faint, but even seeing him frown even a little was completely new. Your brows creased together, you felt a sting of concern when seeing Gabriel's dis-heartened expression. 

"Good morning Gabriel, where have you been? Usually you're the one to catch me in the morning" you stated in a joking manner. Yet Gabriel didn't seem to catch onto your joking tone as he tensed at your comment. "Ah, please forgive my absent mindedness, my mind has been drifting somewhere else lately, I apologize." he promptly apologized, clasping his hands together in a means of forgiveness, you were taken back, suddenly feeling guilty for making him feel as though he needed to apologize, you realize now Gabriel might not pick up on the fact you had been joking. You placed your hands over his, as a way to atone for his remorsefullness. "There's no need to apologize, I'm not seriously upset with you." you offer a bittersweet smile, losing yourself in his sparkling blue eyes, the color captivating you in its gleaming tranquility. "Is there something on my face?" the angel questioned, pulling you out of your thoughts embarrassed that you had been caught staring at him, soaking in all of his features.

 Suddenly the room went silent, and you felt a lingering question float up from the back of your mind unsure of what to say. You let the question drifting in the back of your mind fall from your lips "Gabriel, is there something wrong?" you asked the sincerity of your question catching him by surprise. "There's been something on my mind lately, something I've been meaning to ask you." his sudden shift in tone had you the slightest bit nervous. "Would you like to talk to me about it?" you suggested this somewhat foreign concept of vulnerability with him. He seemed apprehensive but caved in 

"Come sit with me and we can...talk." he pandered over to the couch stiffly taking a seat as you sat beside him melting into the comfortable fabric, as you sat patiently waiting from him to speak, as he stared at the floor, an absent expression wavering on his face. " I've been feeling something lately" he paused searching for the right words "A fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach...and though I'm embarrassed to admit it, I'm not familiar with this feeling. I figured you would have some insight, since you are more prone to emotion than I." he explained you hummed in thought before replying "When exactly do you feel this?" you asked, his gaze shifted to you boldly looking you straight in the eyes ''Whenever I'm with you" your eyes widened dumbfounded by his dauntless response. "M -me?" you stuttered, trying to make sure you had heard him correctly. 

Gabriel let a low hum fall from his lips. "When I'm with you, I feel more...human" he breathed out. You felt blush creep up to your cheeks as Gabriel sighed. The room grew silent for a moment, as you sat frozen with Gabriel's confession shocking you before he requested something even more shocking. "y/n, can...kiss you?'' The question seemed so uncertain as if not even Gabriel knew what he was trying to ask. At this point your head was spinning, you looked to Gabriel, nodding meekly.

Promptly Gabriel rested his hands on your hips moving you to his lap. You let out a small yelp at the sudden action. "I wanted you closer..." Gabriel whispered softly against your neck you gulped. You felt your body slow melt against Gabriel's touch, moving your hands to rest on his chest. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him, yet Gabriel placed his cold palm under your chin bringing your shaken gaze to his. He looked at you through his eyelashes, lips parted. God he was so pretty. He leaned into you brushing his lips against yours softly, the feeling lingering, burning sweetly. You felt confident enough to take the lead, biting his bottom lip, as he breathless gasp escaped Gabriel's mouth as he pulled away suddenly, you swear you could almost see a faint blush sweep across the angel's face, you felt a sting of pride, you had managed to fluster the man. "Something wrong?" you ask smugly. Gabriel avoided your gaze, a stubborn expression crossing his face. "I've never done this before..." he muttered softly, almost embarrassed? Manner. Your face lit up as you brought a hand to Gabriel's cold cheek, softly turning his head back to look at you.

"I can take the lead this time, if it'll make you feel better?" you offered sweetly, Gabriel nodded humiliated by the situation. The feeling of humiliation slowly melted away as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders bringing him closer to you as you kissed him roughly. Stayed like this lips moving rhythmic against each other until you pulled away, confusing Gabriel. But his confusion drifted away as you began to leave, faint, breathless kisses down his neck, leaving the angel gasping sweetly at the feeling, his grip on your waist growing tighter. 

Gabriel pulled away, burying his face in the crook of your neck, whispering "Sorry, I'm not great with...affection" he muttered out a simple apology as you rubbed his back. "No you were amazing Gabe. Maybe you'll have to greet me like that every morning" you joked, though it wasn't a bad idea. Suddenly Gabriel's tone shifted "Maybe I will" your face burned at his sudden confident reply. You sat there together, enjoying this blissful moment. Having him wasn't so bad after all.  

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