𝓐𝓵𝓽! 𝓒𝓮𝓼𝓪𝓻 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻, 𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓽𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓮

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A/n: This was based on a hc I saw that alternates can purr :)

A/n: This was based on a hc I saw that alternates can purr :)

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-The first time you found out you teased the hell out of him

-Like dude he's too prideful for this

-He's supposed to be an evil entity not some 'house cat'

-But of course you're going to make cat jokes about it much to his dismay

-It sucks for him because literally any sort of affection you give him makes him purr in content

-He can't help it!

-But nonetheless you find it absolutely adorable, especially when he seems at peace

-Like when you wake up next to him in the morning, sunlight highlighting his sweet face, while a ghost of a smile rests on his lips a happy purr leaves his mouth

It was a peaceful rainy night, you were reading on the couch, sadly with Cesar nowhere to be seen. You never knew where he ran off to when he disappeared. You shrugged it off enjoying the gentle tapping of the rain on the roof. You turned your attention back to your book, it was blissfully silent. That was until the back door of your house was harshly slammed shut, it sounded as if it was going to fall off its hinges. You jumped at the sound yelping in surprise. Your head snapped in the direction of the sound, peeking over the couch. You wondered anxiously, before a distraught looking slumped over Cesar entered the room. His glare fixated on whatever was in front of him. You could immediately tell he was pissed. 

"Cesar, what have I said about slamming doors? You scared the crap out of me." you scolded him lightly, you knew he was upset but still he couldn't go around slamming doors especially since last time he was angry and took it out on your house, it ended with five pictures broken. You returned back to Cesar, who now stood in front of the couch, who was breathless with rage. You looked up at him frowning, offering a sympathetic smile as you pat beside you offering space on the couch. Reluctantly he stiffly moved to sit on the couch, leaning down into your lap, his eyebrows still furrowed even while his eyes were shut. You hummed, combing through his matted and tangled hair. 

His hair was so soft, the ends were a bit scraggy but most of it held an almost silk like feeling to it, Cesar softened at the motion, his angry expression being put to a rest. As you felt content enjoying the moment you were in, you started to feel a sort of vibration. Not only that but you heard a low rumble admit from Cesar, it almost sounded like a...purr? You snickered to yourself at the thought stirring Cesar, the purring ceasing. "What are you laughing about?" he raised an eyebrow at you. "Cesar, were you purring?" you asked a playful grin stretching across your face. And just like that he had tensed up again, except it wasn't an angry expression it was more of an offended one. "I don't...purr" he spat, he said the word as if it was a curse. 

You smirked, "Are you sure?" you asked, caressing the side of his face, as one again he let out a low purr sound. He slapped his hands over his mouth, glaring in betrayal. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" you snorted at your own joke. Cesar quickly got up from your lap, walking away from you, with a scowl on his face. You laughed, wrapping your arms around his waist preventing him from leaving. "Cesar don't go, I'll stop, I'm sorry" you whined lightheartedly, he grumbled sighing and sitting back down next to you, as he sat arm crossed as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, still laughing. As your laughter died down you laid down on the couch coaxing Cesar to lay down with you. He laid in between your legs resting his head on your stomach, Purring once more at the comfort of your warmth. 

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