My first mission! Hey you cheating pig!

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Picture actually sea of thieves tavern (beautiful game)

They landed the ship on a field in the middle of nowhere Quinn was nervous she knew this tavern she was actually a VIP she practically owned the place, the team were all dressed differently they all wore hoods and cloaks but Quinn wore something different, she wore a cropped black hoodie with 'bedlam' written on the front in blood red and scary font, her long hair in millions of plaits, and dark green cargo trousers and around her mouth a black bandana hiding her identity and eye tattoo.
She turned around to the others and had to stifle a laugh.
"So why are we nowhere?" Wally asked slightly annoyed "and why aren't you wearing a cloak!?"
"One it's obviously hidden and you guys look ridiculous I don't see any villains looking like that!" She cried before walking off, she wasn't even registering her movements she just let her body walk down memory Lane. In no time she had found the tavern it was basically a sewage drain in the middle of a field "you found it how'd you know?!" Artemis cried
"Just great at navigating!" Quinn lied not missing a beat she opened the grate and started to climb down hearing wally's complaints but she ignored them as she dropped down into a well lit tunnel, the others dropped down and they headed down the tunnel towards a metal door next to it was a dead body and on it was a sign saying ' if you ain't welcome u die'  the others gagged but Quinn was used to it
Artemis walked up to a computer in the corner with a mic in front of it
" to get in, recite the words to a tune from a horror /comedy" Artemis read from the computer
"Now what on ear-" Conner started but was cut off by Quinn speaking into the mic

"             ashy slashy hatchet and saw
          Cuts of your head and skins you raw
               Ashy slashy heaven or hell
        Cuts out your tongue so you can't yell. "

Please somebody know this

She sang, the door swung open and she led her way in and if the team weren't already gawking at the fact she knew the song they were definitely gawking when the saw the huge tavern. It was full of thieves and low lives all clad in gold and selling all sorts of stolen things, the tavern had a makeshift bar made from empty barrels one plank and rope tying it all together behind it were shelves filled to the brim with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, there were tables with odd chairs one would be metal and wooden the other. The room was light by lanterns with a flickering light inside, the floor beneath their feet was made from rotting wood and had many holes in it it leading to a dark, damming void below that seemed to scream your name, some holes were so big only a wooden plank was supplied as a bridge to get over.

They walked precariously on the plank until they reached the end, where Quinn was grabbed into a bone crushing hug by a African American girl in a white leather jacket and blue jeans and a shirt that said chaos and a mask covering half of her face, the young justice got ready to fight but were confused when the Phoenix hugged back
"Bedlam you're back!!" The girl yelled letting her go
"Hell yeah I am chaos!" Phoenix cried
"So you here for James? Cus' I can give him to you' " Chaos whispered
"Yeah but what about the rule never sell anyone out?" Quinn whispered back, chaos looked around and led the group to and empty table
"Yeah I'm kinda going rogue like you... I'm helping the heroes how'd you think you guys learnt about this place?"she grinned Quinn smiled "so you the new member of the young justice?" She whispered
"Yep I'm now's home?" She asked her voice tense at the last part
"Same old, same old being the daughter of poison ivy is tough but you know the rule"
"Don't fight it or say goodbye to life" they said simultaneously their voices hard and pain ridden the team went to their weapons when they heard that but Quinn scowled at them and they reluctantly let go.
"Any way I chose a name! Im now Rogue" she exclaimed
"It's a beautiful name" Quinn said softly making her blush violently
"I like your hair colour it suits you" she responded and Quinn in turn blushed and the two stared at each other.

The team watched the teens, they shuffled a little away as to talk in private "are they flirting?" Wally asked Connor rolled his eyes
"More importantly how come Phoenix knew how to get in here and where it was and the people here?!" He asked Robin shrugged and fiddled with a piece of rotting wood
"Maybe she did some jobs down here or something like undercover" he suggested "but one thing is for sure.... they totally like each other"
The girls stood up and motioned to follow them, Rogue led them to a pac man shaped seat where some men sat and one red head
"James some people want to talk to you"Rogue said James nodded, he stood up and let himself get led to the wine room
"So what's this about" he asked exasperated but all he got was a punch to the face and a bleeding nose
"Phoenix!" Robin cried
"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!" She cried James stumbled up from his position on the floor
"The hell!" He cried but when he looked at Quinn his eyes widened
"Don't say my name ok.... you are a lying, cheating pig! We dated for two years! And you cheated on me with a red head!" She cried
"Wait you too dated!" Artemis cried but Phoenix waved her off
"And I think faking your death is very over the top!" She added
"It was ingenious!" He cried all in Quinn's face, Robin pulled the two apart and held Quinn back
"Ok we were told you have some information you're going to tell us what that is" superboy demanded
"Nope not happening!" James grinned but then Rogue slapped him
"What about the rule!" He cried
"Oh I'm more lenient but only with me!" She said and pushed him into a chair "tell them now"

Quinn was livid his stupid face was....gah so punch able and she knew that he wouldn't talk being intimidating doesn't work but threatening does
"Well your going to tell us or you're going to have to find a new girlfriend" Rogue said James's eyes widened and Quinn turned to the team
"Look... he needs threats it's the only thing that will work" she said before spinning around and walking up to him
"Don't hurt her face that's the only reason I'm dating her!" He cried, Quinn burst into flames after that but after looking at the wood she calmed herself down.
"Or we could send you back to the army!" Quinn said in his face grabbing his head and shoving it into the floor, her voice having a psychotic edge to it, this seemed to hit home
"I'll tell you just don't send me back there! The big villains are planning something huge some sort of big prison but it's high tech and two rooms are full of kryptonite and they're sending it into motion in a few weeks" he cried his hands held up
"K thanks!" Quinn exclaimed she then dragged him into the tavern and yelled "this guy said you're all fat, ugly pigs!" The room went quiet and everyone stared at James, Quinn placed him on the table and her, the team and Rogue ran out the door.
"ha that was too good!" Rogue laughed and she high fived Quinn But then Artemis pushed her into the wall arrow strung who knows where she hid that!
"Who are you really!?" She interrogated
"Excuse me?" Quinn cried
"You can find and get into a villain tavern, you know people here and they know you as a  villain who robbed banks and killed etc ,yeah we asked around! And then we find out you dated this bad guy for two years!" She yelled up in Quinn's face
"Well I had to go undercover for the justice league and this was it and he wasn't a bad guy when I dated him... well he cheated on me but still" Quinn defended
"Funny that's exactly what Robin said!" Kaldur said
"Yeah well he would know, him and Batman are close!" Quinn yelled, Artemis looked into Quinn's angry eyes and dropped her bow backing away
"What's wrong?" M'gann asked Artemis pointed to Quinn's eyes and the others gasped
"Th-they're just like the jokers!" Wally stuttered Quinn sighed and fiddled with one of her braids
"You're...what are you!?" Conner demanded but there was a bang on the door
"We can't stay here!" Rogue cried and they ran down the tunnel and up the ladder, and to the bio ship.

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