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chapter 01

|The view – Stray Kids|


He just looked outside the window. Contemplating other people's lives happening. The hustle and bustle of the streets of Seoul. It's amazing how everyone carries out their lives and if I didn't exist it wouldn't interfere with anyone's life. They would just carry on with their whereabouts and their careers without ever knowing that a Han Jisung could've been born, and an artist would be made. He thought to himself while still looking through the skyscraper window.

Jisung was on the 30th floor of his hotel. All the other members were in their designated rooms. They could've stayed at their dorm since is in Seoul, but their managers decided it was more efficient if they stayed all at a Hotel near the Stadium where they were going to perform. It was their last stadium concert. It was going to be the concert for all of them since it was at home. In South Korea. No matter how many countries, venues, or crowds they performed to, their favourite one was always Seoul because it always felt like home. 

Seoul, also, meant either the beginning of a new World Tour or the end of one. In both situations, it always felt nice. On one hand, they felt the enthusiasm to start a brand-new tour, to meet all the fans and hear them sing along with them. On the other hand, it was the calmness that was going to be their lives. They got two weeks of vacation after the tour and could relax, be with their families, and maybe even produce some songs. He has always imagined being so successful and loved by so many STAYs that it almost felt like a dream to be living his dream tonight and it was only 3 hours till the fan meeting would start.

But Han was so nervous about meeting Stays later that afternoon that he kept tapping his foot on the beige carpet of his huge hotel room while overthinking everything that was going to happen in the next few hours. He sat on the little bench near the huge window that went from the ceiling to the floor. He looked at the little people, that looked like ants from his point of view, and thought about everything in general. In life. In music. But mostly he thought about the strange feeling that he had since he woke up. It was as if the universe was trying to give him a secret message through an unknown code and he couldn't decipher what it was. He kept thinking and thinking about the feeling and got lost in his own mind.

Suddenly Han's thoughts were interrupted when a loud knocking on the door echoed through the empty room. He stood up from the window bench and opened the door just to be greeted by Chan and their manager.

"Camon' Han we need to leave now. Grab anything that you need and follow Chan." Their manager said. Chan walked in and closed the door, while Han quickly changed his clothes to the ones, he decided on wearing for the fan meeting. Something cute but also hot. Some black leather jeans with a white "Stray Kids" merch t-shirt and a leather coat on top. Pairing everything with his favourite dance sneakers, navy converse high. The makeup and hair were going to be done on the place itself. Even though he doesn't need much makeup since he's already very handsome.

"Nervous?" Chan talked for the first time since he walked into the room. Han just hummed, without looking into Chan's eyes and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. "Hey, what's on your mind?"

Truth is, he didn't know. He had this sickening feeling that something important was going to happen today and he couldn't put his finger on what it could be.

"I don't know man. Since I woke up today, I have had this feeling that something is going to happen, but I don't know what it can be. I have everything that I might need for the concert. My voice is fine. I haven't hurt myself, so I can dance. I have been very careful today to not make any mistakes..."

You are my soulmate | Han Jisung | ffWhere stories live. Discover now