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2nd night at Stray Kids Dorm

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The second night was spent in my bias bedroom. Now for this night, I was super nervous, because even though I had spoken with Minho for quite some time, but even so I continued to be a little shy around him.

"So, Eunwoo how was your night with Seungmin? I bet he was boring, at least not as fun as I will be." We said once I walked into his room after changing into some comfortable clothes and doing my night routine, which only consisted of having a shower and doing my skincare.

"Well, we gossiped a lot, and we ate a lot of snacks. Did you plan something to win the prize of best roommate?"

"I actually did!" He said happily while jumping around in the room and then jumping to the bed, making me laugh at his cuteness and happiness. I love that I always feel happy around them, I can almost forget that my life is a mess.

"So, I've planned two things, we can do both or only one. Jisungie told me that you like to dance and since I'm your bias - to which I have to say it made me very happy! I thought about us doing a question game, or/and I can give you a personal dance class, where I'll teach you your favourite music dance. What do you think about that?"

"So... basically what you're telling me is if I want to have a personal dance training session with my bias, who happens to be also the best dancer... I don't know Minho, I think I'll pass that one, you know?"

"Now I know why I'm your bias." I looked at him in a funny way as to say "what do you mean" and he answered my curiosity. "You know how to be sarcastic and most importantly you understand sarcasm, which I love." I smiled at him and blushed too.

"Now, which one do you want to start with?"

"Oh! The dancing because once I seat down I won't be able to get up, I'm warning you just now!"

"And the song that you want to learn is?" Now, this was the difficult part, one because their choreographies are hard, but also because they have amazing dances and amazing songs that I would like to learn the dance of. So, I took a little bit of time to decide which one would be the best or the more fun to learn and after a lot of thought, and some complaining from Minho for me taking too much time, I decided which one I wanted.

"Well, I've decided that I want to learn the dance of... drum rolls, please... Red Lights." Minho smirked at me. "Oh! So, you're not that innocent, at least not as innocent as I thought." I laughed at his remark. "Actually, I thought about another one, I was teasing you. I want to learn Hellevator. Since it was your first song, you know?" [a/n: change the song if you want]

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