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Alex was the first guy to treat her right and actually love her, they headed out and he yelled "mom were headed out!" She yells back "Okay honey have a good day you guys!" They wait for the bus and after 20 minutes it comes, they get to school and they walk in holding hands someone yells "Hey looks like daddys girl has a boyfriend!!!!" Then everyone around starts throwing trash and papers at her, she runs off to the bathroom, she spins into the closest stall and slams the lock shut, she collapses to the ground in tears, Alex runs in the bathroom after her not caring he was in the girls bathroom his girl was hurt and he'd do anything to help her, he crawls under the stall, she sobs and starts punching herself he says "Hey hey baby stop, stop look at me love don't listen to them" she sobs and falls into his chest his arms immediately go around her like a shield of armor and comfort, her breathing starts to quicken and her sobs became shorter, he says "Hey hey baby breathe with me okay inhale, exhale, you're gonna be okay love I promise".

Her breathing slows and she calms down a little and then they walk to class, Miss Cole (the teacher) said " You're late Lexi so are you Alex'' Lexi not giving a damn how rude she sounded said "I'm aware were late but If you heard what was said you'd understand why were late" they went to the back of the class and Miss Cole called Lexi up to write something on the board and Sara threw a crumpled ball of paper at her and laughed, miss cole picked up the note and read it "Your daddy shoulda beat you harder maybe he woulda killed your slutty ass" Lexi heard what was wrote, flashbacks of her dad beating her flashed through her head she shook them off.

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