Chapter 11

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Kinsley had the sudden urge to want to be wrapped in Reed's strong arms. She shook off the thought. She needed to get a grip on her emotions.

But his arms looked safe.

No. She was not going to do that.

Then the memory of him kissing her floated back into her brain. Her eyes widened.

Reed looked concerned, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Everything.

"Okay. How about we focus right now on you getting sleep to ease some exhaustion, stress, and pain."

Kinsley panicked. "No. Sleep won't help. I'll just have a nightmare."

His facial expression said that he had forgotten about her PTSD. "Right. But I think that once you'll fall asleep, you'll be so tired that you will sleep like a rock. No nightmares."

She laughed emptily. "That's a good one."

Reed reached over and tucked her hair behind her ear. The action sent butterflies through her insides. "Just try, will you?"

She swallowed and nodded. "Okay."

He smiled, "Good. Let's get you situated so you can sleep well." He helped lower her so that her left arm wouldn't have to do much. "Can I kiss your forehead?"

Kinsley was startled by the question. She adjusted her pillows. "Sure."

His lips lowered and pressed softly against her forehead. "If you need anything, I'm right over here, okay? Sweet dreams Kinsley."

And then he was gone.

Kinsley wasn't sure if she would be able to sleep. Her heart was in overdrive for two reasons. Reed had kissed her forehead and she had let him see and hear her crying.

Was there something more between them? She wasn't really sure. She used to have a major crush on him in sixth grade. But that was ages ago. But maybe the saying was true. Old habits die hard.

No. She was not even going to think about having a relationship with Reed. With anyone. He had just witnessed how terribly difficult of a person she was. She had overly insane PTSD, hated to talk about her feelings, and was emotionally closed off. From what she knew, Kinsley was nothing like his past wife, Hannah. And there was another reason. He had been married before, Reed had experience in married life. She didn't. However, she didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

But then again, he had asked to kiss her.

Kinsley stilled and listened for any noise coming from Reed's side of the hotel room. All she heard was slow, deep breathing. He had fallen asleep. What had happened to one of them staying awake to keep watch? Of course, it was probably the fact that there no longer was a way to trace them because Reed had discarded the tracker. Soon, exhaustion took over and Kinsley fell into a deep sleep, nightmare free.

She woke the next morning to hear Reed trying to get the coffee maker to work. Sitting up in her bed, Kinsley noticed that her arm didn't hurt as bad. That was good. Thanks, God. At least it wasn't a full on shot, just a graze. Sorry I ignored You yesterday. I was angry and hurt. But You kept me alive. Thank You.

"Morning Sunshine." Reed grinned when he came into view.

Kinsley scowled at him. "Don't call me that."

Reed handed her a cup of coffee, "Alright, alright."

"What's the plan for today?"

"I need to tell Cole about the tracker, and we need to figure out where we go next." He responded.

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