Chapter 2: Longing for the Mountains

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He begins to watch her. The interactions with Jang-Wook and Mu-Deok seem warm and open, friends with an inherent trust in each other. Even if they seemed to touch too much; well, enough to make his eye twitch anyway. She supports and guides while Jang-Wook protects and learns. Knowing what he does now, it seems so obvious that there was more between them than master and maid.

However, it doesn't take long before Seo Yul starts to feel his heart pulsing again with that same expectant energy it used to have on that mountain whenever he is around Mu-Deok. He starts doing little things to make her turn her eyes on him. He serves her food, asks to learn from her on simple tasks, and even goes so far as to help her in her chores. The work is grueling sometimes but it seems worth it for the minutes of conversation he gets from her; calm words and chatter that he used to wish Nasku would do.

The more he learns about this version of Naksu the more he begins to crave her. Not just her company on appropriate occasions but her devoted attention. Jang-Wook seems selfish as ever when it comes to her serving him. Seeming to lean into the role of master and maid by asking for every small item to be handed to him. It felt like there was never a time that Jang-Wook wasn't using Mu-Deok for something.

During the day, Seo Yul begins to think about what it would be like to have her undivided attention like that. For her to shower him with that attention, that small smile and quick wit. Except instead of her serving him, he would serve her. He would lavish HER with attention, doting on her and ensuring that no harm could come to her in this new carefree life she had created for herself.

His dreams, however, become more carnal as the nights pass. Soft sheets and warm kisses followed by loud moans and gripping hands. The whisper of silk falling to the floor and sight of his skin against hers. It's become so frequent that he can't even see her during the day without imagining the things he's doing with her in the night. His eyes linger longer than is appropriate whenever she takes a drink of water, following the drops as they go down her throat and beyond. As if she needs his help, he even takes to "training" her in self defense just to see if the feel of her in his arms is the same as he imagined. Her muscles move in time with his as he uses every excuse to touch her while in public.

He doesn't know if she notices the extra  attention he's giving her. Since his face is usually so stoic it wouldn't surprise him to know she didn't understand the depths of his feelings for her. How much he'd love to run away and spend every day in the mountains with her just like before.  No interruptions, no selfish Jang-Wook, no mages searching for her.

Just him and Naksu.

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