The Dancer (A One Direction Fanfic)

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I hit my alarm clock hard when it blared 'I Found You' by The Wanted at 4:30 this morning. I love The Wanted, but hate One Direction. And when I say hate I mean HATE WITH A BURNING PASSION! They had ruined my childhood. You'll find out later in the story why though. But I truly do love The Wanted's song I Found You. It was my favorite song, but I hate when my alarm wakes me up. I groggily, went into the bathroom and tried to put u hair up into a ponytail. I threw on a pare of sweat pants and locked the door to my flat.

I had just moved to London about one month ago, and I would say I was adjusting nicely. This was definitely a change for me because I came from a small town in New York.

When I finally reached my car, my cell blared. Thank God for blue tooth.

Me: "Hello?"

Travis: "Hey babe!"

Me: "Hey what time is it there?!?"

Travis: "Don't worry about that! I couldn't sleep because I miss you to much! I needed to hear your voice. Are you in a car?"

Me: "Haha yeah. I'm driving to the gym down the road from my flat. I told you that I was going to join a gym here!"

Travis: "Yeah, but I didn't actually think you would do it!"

Me: "Wow babe! Thanks a lot!"

Travis: "Your welcome sweetie!"

Me: "Haha sooo when are you planning to come over here to see me?"

Travis: ""When I have enough money and I can take off for work. I miss you like crazy, Lena."

Me: "I miss you too Travis. I wish we were closer."

Travis: "Why did you move over there in the first place? I don't think you ever told me."

Me: "Travis, I've told you ten billion times that the reason I left was because I was offered the job of my dreams! I'll finally make it big in the choreographing world!"

Travis: "Ugh babe! You could have done that over here!"

Me: "I know! But just think of all the people who could pass me in the states! Here it's an open door and I think I'm meant to walk through it!"

Travis: "Ok, ok I understand now. I'm tried baby so I'm going to go to bed. Love you 'till the cows come home."

Me: "Love you 'till the cows come home Bo."

After I hung up the phone, I was pulling into the new gym I had registered with. I went to the treadmill and put my music on high, then started my work out.

Now I think you should know a little about me.

1.) I'm a dancer/choreographer

2.) I have an AMAZING boyfriend Travis from when I was living in the states.

3.) I have an awesome job working as a dance instructor for little children.

I love every minute of what I do. It's so much fun. I finished my work out and drove home. It was about 6 am by the time I got home and showered up.

My phone started to blare again, but this time it was my boss.

Me: "Good morning Mr.Blakemen. How are you today?"

Mr.B: "I am wonderful thank you for asking Lena! I know you have only been working with us a short period of time, but I have called to give you a promotion!"

Me: "Truly?! Oh thank you Mr.Blakemen! If you don't mind me asking; what did I get promoted to?"

Mr.B: "Well do you remember Cindy? The one who would choreograph the famous?"

Me: "Oh! Yes of corse Mr. Blakemen!"

Mr.B: "Well, she had to much on her plate, and she asked if you could fill in for her!"

Me: "Thank you so much!"

Mr.B: "Come to work on your regular time! Oh and I forgot to mention: you'll be choreographing One Direction for their new 'Take Me Home' tour! Bye Lena! See you at work!"

He hung up the phone and I was in shock. I was so angry that I had started to cry.


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