Chapter 11

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I can't believe Niall! He just asked her on a date in front of all of us!! He is really laying the charm in thick this tine! Ugh! I want Lena to be mine!

Niall: "Well, what do you say?"

Lena: "Niall I would love...."

Me: "Sorry to interrupt this 'beautiful' moment, but Niall, we have to go to the studio remember?"

Zayn: "Oh yeah!!"

Liam: "Hey, I just got off the phone will Paul and he canceled our session this weekend!! We're free!"


Lena: "So BACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING BEFORE I WAS RUDLEY INTERRUPTED!! Niall I would love to go catch a movie and diner with you!"

Niall: "Cool! Pick you up at 7?"

Lena: "Haha sure! Now come one everyone! We have a LOT of work to do!"

She made us get back to work and we really worked up a sweat. It was starting to soak through my shirt so I took it off. The other lads soon followed. Lena couldn't stop staring at us from the mirror. I think she liked what she saw!

Me: "Lena?"

Lena: "......."

Me: "LENA??!!?"

Lena: "Hun? Oh yeah!! Sorry! I was thinking of new moves we could add in....."

Louis: "By staring at us?"

Lena: "I was staring?" *Checks start to get red*

Me: "Yes love."

Lena: "I.....I...."

Me: *walks over to her and gets real close* "'s ok."

Lena: "Ummm..."

Me: "Don't say anything." *leans down to kiss her*

We were just about to kiss, when she looked down, fast, and screamed "OMG!! IT'S A PENNY!!" Her forehead hit my nose and it hurt like fuck. She ran out of the studio and u was left there standing holding my nose.

Louis: "You deserved that! Ugh your acting like an idiot Hazz!!"

And he ran after her.


Omg!!! This is Cray-Cray!!! Hahaha pls read/vote/comment!!!

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