Chapter 3

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"It took you long enough to finally get here!" Louis screamed at me. "What did you see a food truck on your way here?" He added.

Me: "No, it wasn't food this time lads......"

Harry: "Than what was it?!?"

Zayn: "Please tell us Vas Happenen?"

Me: "Ok well, I was running down the hall to get here and I ran over a girl."

Liam: "Oh and let me guess, She fangirled?"

Niall: "No! That was the weird thing! She had no clue who I was! Even when I told her my name. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.....I got her number though!"

Harry: "My lad is getting less shy with the ladies I see!!"

Me: "Haha Harry very funny! No actually I just asked her what I could do to make it up to her for knocking her over and she said 'Well how about you number?' And I said sure an I asked her if she wanted us to take her on a tour of London this afternoon but.."


Me: "I KNOW! God! She couldn't go because she has to work!"

Harry: "Did she tell you what she does?"

Me: "Yes! She said she was a dancer/choreographer. She's VERY fit."

Liam: "Well, you can tell us more about her while we're on our way to the studio."

I filled them in on how pretty she was and how down to earth she is. I just wonder: How does she not know who I am? This could be bad or good. Maybe I shouldn't tell her who I am or what I do.



When I got to work, I met with my boss and he told me that One Direction should be here around 12 in the afternoon. It was only 10 when I had arrived. I decided to take a listen to their music so I can come up with a dance routine for it.

As soon as I started to listen to it, I began to tear up. By the end of "Over Again" I was almost in a sob. I reminded me of Travis. I had texted him back and told him I couldn't talk for a little while because I had a class to teach and he said to Skype him when I got home.

The first person to walk into the room was Niall. It was strange. Very strange.

Me: "Hey Niall! What are you doing here?"

Niall: "I'm here to learn my dance routine! Haha why are you here?"

Me: "Haha I'm here because I'm forced against me will to. I have to teach the people I hate the most."

Niall: "And who may that be love?

Me: "One Direction."

Niall: "Umm..Lena...there's something I have to tell you......"

Me: "Yes Niall?"

Niall: "I'm apart of One Direction. That's why I'm here....."

Just as he said those words, I teared up and walked away. I walked behind the piano and sat on the bench. He left probably to get his "Band Mates". I can't believe I had actually called one of the people who ruined my childhood "sweet" and "cute"! I was an idiot! This should be a "fun" class.



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