Chapter 43

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*****FLASH BACK!!!!*****

HE is someone who can't easily be explained. HE is.....well not normal. HE is a cold blooded killer. HE turned us into who we are. So here's how we got involved with HE:

It was a sunny day and fairly warm. All 5 of us were walking down the street when we saw a sign for mind reader. Me, being my stupid self, thought that this was a good idea. It was a terrible idea and I would have to pay the price for the rest of my life.

We got the address and drove to his apartment. We knocked on the door and the door crept open. I walked in and the rest followed.

Me: "Hello? Is anyone home?"

Just then a gust of wind flew and shut the door. We were getting scared.

?: "So you girls need help? Hmm?"

Aspen: "Ugh...."

Me: "Yes. We're looking for a Mr. Blakemen?"

Mr.B: "Well, your looking at him."

He was dressed in a long blue robe that had beautiful gold embroidery on it. His eyes were the color of the sky when it's cloudy and about to rain. They were so unique. His skin was a perfect tan. If he wasn't about 30 years older than me, I would call him attractive. He would soon be out new boss, for the rest of our lives.

Mr.B: "Let me girls want your mind read?"

Elisa: "Yes....."

Mr.B: "I not only do mind readings, but I also can tell the future."

Destiney: "Could you tell my future??!!

Becca: "And mine?!?"

Aspen: "Me Two??"

Mr.B: "Yes. I can tell you all your futures if you'd like."

Me: "Please."

He sat us down at a giant table and made us all hold hands. He told me that I would go first. I wasn't to sure that he was telling the truth, but he's been right ever since that day. Besides a few things which I've managed to change.

Mr.B: "Ok Lena. Relax."

Me: "How do you know my name?"

Mr.B: "I'm a mind reader sweetie, I can tell those things."

Me: *blushes* "Oh ok...."

Mr.B: "I need it to be completely silent. Don't think ether."

We all nodded our heads and he began to chant in a strange language that I have never heard before.

Mr.B: "Lena, you will find three someone's who will love you till the end of time. Choose wisely though, because if you don't, you could mess up your life. You will be under someone's rule. He will control you. Beware."

Then, all of a sudden, I felt a breeze go through my body. It felt like tiny knives stabbing my stomach. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. As quick as the feeling came, it left. I felt something warm and wet on my stomach, but I couldn't check it because Mr. Blakemen still had my hand and Destiney had the other.

I knew from that point, that we needed to leave.

Me: "Umm....thank you, but I think we need to go girls."

Aspen: "But we want to get our future told just like you did!!"

Elisa: "Yeah come on Lena!"

I nodded my head and stepped out from the table. I went into his kitchen where no one could see me. I checked underneath my tee shirt and my stomach was covered in tiny razor sharp objects in me. I let out a silent scream as I take them out one by one. I then hear Rebecca scream. It was filled with pure terror. I pulled my shirt down and ran. Blood was dripping down my stomach, but I didn't care. She was on the floor, but no one noticed. It was like they were in a trance.

I helped her up and she explained what happened.

Becca: "He...he.."

Me: "Take a deep breath an explain what happened."

Becca: "He told me my future....than I felt little razors stab me....can you see them? Are they really there?"

Me: "......yes......don't worry. I have them too. But you have them on your face as well as all over you body. I just have them on my stomach."

Becca: "We need to get the others out."

Me: "But how? I've tried that already remember? They won't leave with out they're mind being read and their futures told."

Becca: "Well, they're their own worst enemy."


Becca: "It's not like......"

Aspen screamed and we rushed over to help her. Again, no one noticed.

Aspen: "I....I can't move...."

Me: "Yes you can. Try. Let me and Becca help you up."

She screamed again as we lifted her from her chair.

Aspen: "I feel"

Me: "Like ten billion little razors are piercing your body?"

Aspen: "Yes!"

Becca: "That's because they are."

Aspen: "What?!?"

She ran over to the closet mirror and started to cry when she saw her face. She couldn't believe it. None of us could. The razors looked like little pieces of metal and they cut our skin. Once we heard the other two girls scream, we knew that, that was our time to leave.

Me: "Oh thank you Mr. Blakemen, but we have to get going now."

Mr.B: "Where do you girls think your going??"

Destiney: "Home."

Mr.B: "Your not going home."

Aspen: "Why not?"

Mr.B: "Because I marked you girls. Your all mine now."

Me: "What?!?"

Mr.B: "The razors. They marked you. Check your bodies in the mirror."

They all walked up to the mirrors and screamed. They saw the small metal bits implanted in their skin. I was the only one who didn't have them on my face or anything other body part, other my stomach. Most of mine, I took out. Some of the other girls still had all of them all over. We were covered in blood.

Mr.B: "See? You're a part of the JGBMS."

Me: "What does that mean?!?"

Mr.B: "I can't tell you. All I can tell you is that, you all are working for me for the rest of your lives."

For the next 2 years, we never heard from him. But the memory was still there. It was always there. No creams, cover up, or anything makeup could cover the scars he gave us. He's forced us to do things that we never wanted to do.

He made Aspen kill an innocent woman because the woman cut her off at an intersection. After that Aspen was forced to flee the U.S. I never saw her again.(until I was in the UK!). We were only 15. We were so young.......the next year on Rebecca's 16th birthday, Mr.B made Becca's boyfriend break up with her and then made her kill him. She left a few days after that. On Destineys' 17th birthday, she killed someone and fled. It happened every year. On Elisa's 18th birthday she killed someone, but she wanted to stay in the states for me. Mr.B said I would be fine and forced her to leave. I was the only one left.

Our group of innocent childhood best friends was broken up because of a stupid idea I had. Even though they all claim that anyone would have made that mistake and that it wasn't my fault, I know it is. I was forced to stay alone in a world out to get us. I was forced to keep their secrets. On my 19th birthday, I killed my father. He had a reason to die though. He tried to rape me, but no one believes me......I told Travis that it was because of a job. I told everyone that. I didn't want anyone to know the truth.

I managed to escape Mr.B for a little while. We all did. We were finally back together, but he'a found us now and because we've crossed him, no one is safe. Not us, and nether are our boyfriends.



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