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''come on in'' kurt said to me as soon as i entered his car.

''you look pretty'' he admitted. i just knew he was planning on saying this aloud.

''so, where are we going?'' i asked him.

''to my favorite place... mc donalds!'' he said in excitement.

''great'' i said relieved we weren't going to some fancy-ass restaurant.

''i'm so damn thirsty'' i said as i reached for a water bottle.

''Y/N NO'' he yelled snatching the bottle from my hands.

''what?'' i said pissed off.

''look... i-, you should-. FUCK''

''i'm doing this thing where i kill people, ok? i kill people, with those bottles!'' he said leaving me shocked.

the power couple, kurt kunkleWhere stories live. Discover now