Part 1

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ira had just got back to the hideout after going grocery shopping as it was his turn but when he entered what he saw shocked him to his core

he dropped the bags and fell to his knees when he saw a bunch of holes all through marmo and bel there was blood everywhere

ira: wh-who did this

ira's eyes lost some colour and he started to wail

regina then appeared

regina: jeez ira stop screaming ouch

ira just looked at her then back to the bodies

regina: oh good you saw them, you see daddy doesn't need them you have so much more potential like your three times as powerful as they were at you age combined  so i got rid of them hehe

ira's hair blocked his eyes as he got up and approached regina

regina: ah are you gonna start training already-

ira grabbed her wrist

regina: h-hey let go of me

ira just stood there saying nothing

regina started to blush a bit

regina: d-don't just stand there and say nothing-

ira suddenly teleported them to earth before throwing regina to the ground and beating the living hell out of her

regina: AH I-IRA STOP

suddenly the glitter force appeared and saw the scene ira beating regina she was bleeding a bit but not to badly

he wouldn't use his power he just kept beating on her til the glitter force pulled him off

rachel: i-ira wh-what are you doing


ira broke into tears

the glitter force was shocked they have never seen ira cry before

maya: u-um who did she k-kill

regina: we didn't need bel and marmo anymore so i shot holes through them i don't get why he's so upset though

maya: regina y-you killed them how could you

regina frowned

regina: now your on his side UGH


ira struggled but was held back by glitter clover and glitter spade

rachel: look ira we get your mad and your justified to be mad but w-we cant let you kill her


ira was just making random angry noises and sobs after five minutes all the anger just turned to sadness and he was just crying that's when they let go of him he just flopped to the floor crying 

regina: okay now i feel a bit bad

Makenzie: you should feel bad you killed the only people he probably cared about

regina: whatever he still has riva and gura to hang with-

regina: no wait i killed them too never mind

clara: h-how could you kill

regina: it's not that hard

maya felt sick to her stomach 

rachel: ira are you okay?

natalie: yeah what she did to you was awful

ira: i-i don't know anymore

regina grumbled before going to ira holding onto him and she teleported them away

rachel: that regina how could she hurt ira like that

maya: i-i cant believe she would kill


regina just teleported back to base with ira and looked around before sighing and getting rid of the body's

after cleaning the blood she looked at ira who was still on the ground crying

regina: this may take awhile...

to be continued... (k i'm going on break for a while -_-)

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