Part 2

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ira has been in his room for days only going out to eat or have a shower, otherwise he just trains in his room after all king mercenare will kill him if he doesn't train

regina had teleported to the hideout and went looking for ira as she was bored and wanted entertainment

after a while of searching she got annoyed

regina: ugh jeez where is he

she decided he must be in his room so that's where she goes

she opens the door and see's ira with his shirt off doing push-ups

regina: EEK!

she slams the door and blushes (don't worry this isn't a ira x regina story)

regina: put on a shirt

ira: ...

regina: ira?-

suddenly the door opens and ira walks to the kitchen (now having his shirt on)

regina: ah okay now ira you gotta play with me

ira: ...

regina: hey ira don't ignore me

ira just glared at her

regina: u-ugh 

he stops and continues to the kitchen where he makes himself food

regina: ugh ira stop ignoring me

ira: tch what do you want

regina: i want you to play with me i'm so bored

ira: go play by yourself i'm busy

regina: you better play with me or else

ira: tch fine lets play hide and seek you hide and i'll seek

regina: okay

regina teleport's away and hides

ira: tsk idiot

ira eat's then goes back to training

several hours later

regina: *crying noises* *sniff, sniff* he's not coming is he

she teleport's to his room to see him sleeping

regina: *sniff* how could you just leave me

ira: zzz

regina: tch stupid ira with his dumb cute face

regina: e-eh did i call him cute {she is going to get rejected so hard lmao}

regina thought to herself, she knew ira for quite a while but hadn't always been on good terms with him, she thought back to when she was told by mackenzie, that she killed the only people he cared about

she started to feel really guilty

regina: maybe i shouldn't have done that...

she thought back to times where she saw ira happy with bel and marmo, sure they argued and fought a lot but they still cared for each other even though they wouldn't admit it

she remembered them begging her not to kill them

flashback -warning gore-

bel: p-please don't do this regina pl-

she used the spear of light and shot two holes in his arm 

marmo started to hyperventilate

bel: A-AGH

regina giggled before shooting many holes in his body and legs there was blood everywhere 

bel cried

bel: please regina stop-

regina then shot him through his head spraying his blood on marmo

marmo screamed and tried to run away (she didn't teleport because she wasn't thinking straight as she was terrified)

a she ran regina shot through her legs

regina: hehe whats wrong? cant run

marmo cried before regina shot her heart leaving marmo to die in seconds with blood puddling around her

end of flashback

regina: i-i'm gonna make it up to him

to be continued... until next time friend

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