Part 5

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regina's eyes widened

regina curled up as her eyes became watery and tears fell

ira: you just pathetic you cry when you don't get your way

ira teleported away he needed to cool off

he found himself at the beach  and sat on a rock while looking across the sea

ira: what am i gonna do... on one side i help the king and we take over, but then what... and on the other hand...

he thinks about rachel and blushes

ira: *sigh* I'm so pathetic this should be an easy option... and i think i know who's side I'm on

5 minutes later

maya was just sitting at one of her family's tables when the door slammed open making her fall out of the chair

maya: EH?!

ira: I'll join you

maya: wait... REALLY?!

ira: yeah

maya got up and rapidly shook his hand up and down

maya: welcome to the team!

ira: g-glad to be here

maya quickly texted the rest of the glitter force informing them about ira joining to which they all came over immediately to celebrate




regina was crying her eyes out when she was contacted

king mercenare: regina my daughter... it seems ira has joined the glitter force

regina went pale as her eyes looked lifeless

regina: what...

king mercenare: indeed it was a surprise for me also who would've thought he'd leave our side after killing his friends who were like family

take 2

king mercenare: i suspect it's because of the eliminations of the others

regina wasn't listening though she had only one thought

regina: no no no no no no... he cant leave me... HE CANT

her eyes glew blood red

regina: do not worry father... i will get him back... at any costs

the king was confused regina never showed this before could it be possible his daughter was in love?!


good the children of ira and his daughter would be extremely powerful and could help take over the universe even!


to be continued!

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